Article Archive For Keyword:
AUTHOR: Andrea UngerDATE: DEC 2023
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2003
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: JUN 2007
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: AUG 2005
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: MAR 2006
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: JUL 2007
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: JUN 2015
AUTHOR: Kevin HopsonDATE: MAR 2003
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: OCT 2014
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: JUL 2005
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: AUG 2009
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JUN 2007
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: MAR 2011
AUTHOR: Elliot BrennerDATE: FEB 1989
AUTHOR: Michael DylanDATE: JUL 2016
AUTHOR: Clarence J. LiataudDATE: SEP 1986
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2010
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: MAR 2009
AUTHOR: Ron JaenischDATE: DEC 1990
AUTHOR: Jack K. HutsonDATE: FEB 1989
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: FEB 2010
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAY 2022
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAR 2017
Doing The Wave With Jeffrey Kennedy
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Jeffrey Kennedy is chief commodity analyst at Elliott Wave International (EWI). With more than 20 years of experience as an analyst and trader, he writes and edits Futures Junctures, a premier forecasting package that focuses on Elliott wave analysis of
AUTHOR: J. Gopalakrishnan and B. FaberDATE: DEC 2012
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JAN 2004
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: AUG 2013
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: DEC 2008
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: APR 2019
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: JAN 2005
AUTHOR: James KupferDATE: JUN 2012
Elliott Wave And Gold by Horatio Miller
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Elliott Wave And Gold
by Horatio Miller
Ask any Elliott Wave analyst about the outlook for gold, and he will without doubt say that the
precious metal is on its way down to the $100-200 range. A divergent-Elliott Wave interpretation,
however, suggests t
AUTHOR: Horatio MillerDATE: APR 1991
Elliott Wave And The Explosive Stock
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...We all have one goal in mind in this trading game:
We want to find winning investments that leave
our accounts better off than where they started.
Many traders seek to accomplish this goal by
digging through financial statements, news articles, a
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: JUN 2011
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: MAR 2011
AUTHOR: Paolo PezzuttiDATE: NOV 2008
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: JUL 2005
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAY 2020
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAY 2020
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: NOV 2018
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: NOV 2018
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: JAN 2020
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAR 2021
AUTHOR: Tony BeckwithDATE: JUL 2004
Elliott Wave Theory, Simplified by Koos van der Merwe
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Elliott Wave Theory, Simplified by Koos van der Merwe
Elliott wave counts can get complicated,
but it doesn't have to. Here's a simplified
look at how to study Elliott wave theory.
IN the late 1920s, Ralph
Nelson Elliott came to the
conclusion that the
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: FEB 2009
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: SEP 2005
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2012
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: AUG 2002
Elliott Wave and the Dow
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In my article, "The Nasdaq: Elliott Wave and Kondratieff" ( Advantage, November 19, 2002), I explained where I believed the Nasdaq was heading, concluding that the Nasdaq was in a B-WAVE up in a long-term bear trend. The following is
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: FEB 2003
Elliott Wave dilemma: Bull or bear market? by C. R. MacDowell
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Elliott Wave dilemma: Bull or bear market? by C. R. MacDowell
The Elliott Wave Theory, while complex and subject to individual interpretation, offers a powerful means of putting the overall market developments into reasonable perspective and provides so
AUTHOR: C. R. MacDowellDATE: JAN 1990
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: OCT 2002
AUTHOR: F. David MinbashianDATE: MAY 1990
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: MAR 2014
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: FEB 2014
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: NOV 2010
AUTHOR: Eric MorganDATE: MAY 2003
Goodman Wave Theory by Michael Duane Archer
AUTHOR: Michael Duane ArcherDATE: DEC 2010
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: MAY 2020
Interview: Elliott Wave Experts by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan and Dennis Peterson
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Interview: Elliot Wave Expers - Steven Hochberg & Peter Kendall
Fibonacci numbers, fractal geometry, socionomics -- Ralph
Nelson Elliott's wave theory was published 64 years ago, but
he explored ideas that we still study today in physics,
behavioral scie
AUTHOR: Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan and Dennis PetersonDATE: NOV 2001
Interview: Joshua Hayes Of Big Wave Trading
AUTHOR: J. Gopalakrishnan and B. FaberDATE: NOV 2008
Intraday swings with wave charts: The Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 12 by Jack K. Hutson
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Intraday swings with wave charts: The Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 12 by Jack K. Hutson
The serious follower of Wyckoff, a trader who embraces the entire scope and intricate details of this
methodology, has not completed his or her analytic ars
AUTHOR: Jack K. HutsonDATE: AUG 1987
Is This The Wave IV?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In my article, "Where Is The Market Heading?", that appeared in the September 2015 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities (TASC) magazine, I concluded that market and economic patterns will still exist but without doubt they wi
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: AUG 2015
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: APR 2010
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: DEC 2020
Manage Your Trades With Elliott Wave
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The easy part of investing in stocks is getting into a trade.
You study the chart, understand the company's business
and fundamentals, find your buy point, and then dive
in with big expectations. But what's next? How do you
know when to take your
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: AUG 2011
Marshall wave theory by John Sweeney
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Marshall wave theory by John Sweeney
Yet another ""wave"" is being added to the futures lexicon: the Marshall Wave. Originated by John
Marshall (Box 2302, Naples, FL33939 (813) 263-3114. Marshall Wave is a complicated system for
trading futures in heavi
AUTHOR: John SweeneyDATE: MAR 1986
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: FEB 2005
My Kondratieff Wave by Koos van der Merwe
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2008
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: FEB 2015
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: JAN 2012
On Trendlines, Money Flow Index And The Elliott Wave by Brian D. Green
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...On Trendlines, Money Flow Index And The Elliott Wave by Brian D. Green
Here's an example of wave and indicator analysis using the money flow index, trendlines and Elliott wave.
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned over the years is to appro
AUTHOR: Brian D. GreenDATE: AUG 1994
AUTHOR: Chris ManuellDATE: SEP 2004
Prechter on the Elliott Wave Theory By Melanie Bowman
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Prechter on the Elliott Wave Theory By Melanie Bowman
The Elliott Wave Theorist's Robert Prechter discusses his views on Elliott analysis and how he thinks the markets work.
At age 36, Robert R. Prechter Jr. is, without a doubt, one of the youngest ma
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: APR 1986
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: OCT 2002
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: JUL 2015
Product Review: Elliott Wave Analyser
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: 1996
AUTHOR: Barbara Star, Ph.D.DATE: APR 2018
Quick Scan:The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior
AUTHOR: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanDATE: 2000
AUTHOR: Rudy TeseoDATE: APR 2002
AUTHOR: Tim ElrodDATE: SEP 2002
AUTHOR: Thom HartleDATE: JAN 1996
According to Elliott wave theory, the first, third and fifth waves are proportional by the 1 to 1.618 to 1 ratio, known as the Fibonacci ratio. Figure 1 illustrates the basic five-wave sequence of the Elliott wave, and
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: NOV 1990
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: APR 1991
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: MAR 1994
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: JUN 1991
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: FEB 1991
To determine the current trend, the present position and probable future trend of the market, a means of
charting the market's action to reveal the general direction of the trend is necessary. ...
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: JAN 1991
SIDEBAR: The long wave
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Sidebar: The long wave
According to Charles Kirkpatrick's award-winning ""Charles Dow looks at the long wave,"" there is a fourth wave or a cycle of a longer-term nature beyond the ""three well-defined movements,"" as Charles H. Dow himself referred to
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: APR 1995
AUTHOR: Thom HartleDATE: JAN 1996
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JUN 2007
Spherical Wave Filters by Richard Johnson
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spherical Wave Filters by Richard Johnson
Why do Elliott wave patterns develop in price data? This may be the reason.
OF all the geometric forms, the sphere is the simplest. On a two-dimensional plane, the sphere is displayed as a circle or ellipse. Th
AUTHOR: Richard JohnsonDATE: SEP 2009
AUTHOR: E. Labunsky and T. HamiltonDATE: SEP 2009
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: MAY 2014
AUTHOR: Sylvain VervoortDATE: JUN 2013
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: APR 2004
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: DEC 2015
The Elliott Wave Vs. The Random Walk In The Battle Of The Century
AUTHOR: Eric MorganDATE: JAN 2004
AUTHOR: Eric MorganDATE: OCT 2003
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JUL 2012
The Kondratieff Wave Revisited
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Given the recent market volatility, is the decade-long bull market over? And if we did enter a bear market, in what year might the market bottom and a new bull market begin? Here's a market outlook based on an updated look at K-waves and Elliott waves
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: Bonus Issue 2019
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JUN 2005
The Nasdaq: Elliott Wave and Kondratieff
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...I discovered Elliott wave theory in 1969, and since then have been hooked. Has Elliott made money for me? No, but it has forewarned me of what to expect in the future, and that helps, but only if I accept what it tells me. That is difficult most of the
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2002
The Third Wave by Mircea Dologa, M.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:5 (64-67, 76): The Third Wave by Mircea Dologa, M.D.
Does the crowd always behave the same way? According to Elliott wave theory, they do, and this is what forms the basis of the impulse pattern of five waves. Here's part 1 of
AUTHOR: Mircea Dologa, M.D.DATE: MAY 2006
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: Bonus Issue 2015
AUTHOR: Mark RivestDATE: Bonus Issue 2019
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: NOV 2010
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: JUL 2012
Traders' Tips "The 1-2-3 Wave Count."
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Sylvain Vervoort's article in this issue, ""The 1-2-3 Wave Count."" Here we present the June 2013 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwa
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: JUN 2013
AUTHOR: Rudy TeseoDATE: JUN 2002
Trading The Elliott Wave by Rudy Teseo
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trading The Elliott Wave by Rudy Teseo
Setting up Elliott wave projections on a spreadsheet can help you make your trading decisions.
So far we have covered wave theory (part I), wave patterns (part II), and channels (part III). It will be helpful to h
AUTHOR: Rudy TeseoDATE: SEP 2002
AUTHOR: Raghee HornerDATE: SEP 2006
Trading The Trend In Wave 3 by Mircea Dologa, MD
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:6 (56-61): Trading The Trend In Wave 3 by Mircea Dologa, MD
Here's a refresher course on techniques you can use to trade wave 3, in part 2 of three.
When trading wave 3, any number of methods could be used, so many that it's
AUTHOR: Mircea Dologa, MDDATE: JUN 2006
Trading Wave 3 by Mircea Dologa, MD
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:9 (42-44): Trading Wave 3 by Mircea Dologa, MD
Trading wave 3 could prove to be the most profitable of all waves in Elliott wave analysis. Here's an example.
In my previous two articles, I discussed various techniques you cou
AUTHOR: Mircea Dologa, MDDATE: SEP 2006
AUTHOR: David LamarrDATE: FEB 1988
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: DEC 2010
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: Bonus Issue 2011
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: OCT 2005
AUTHOR: H. Ralph CrippsDATE: MAY 1988
WAVE WI$E Market Spreadsheet Version 6.0a by John Sweeney
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: 1993
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: MAY 2010
AUTHOR: Alan R. NorthamDATE: AUG 2010
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: APR 2006
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: MAY 2006
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: SEP 2006
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: SEP 2002
AUTHOR: Bryce T. GilmoreDATE: FEB 1988
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: APR 2010
Wave market analysis Part 2 by Bryce T. Gilmore
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wave market analysis
Part 2
by Bryce T. Gilmore
In part one of this article (February 1988), we examined four turning points--[W], [X], [Y] and [Z]--in
the trend of Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Sugar-World #11 contract. We looked at time cycles and
AUTHOR: Bryce T. GilmoreDATE: MAR 1988
AUTHOR: Koos van der MerweDATE: MAY 2011
Working Money: Elliott Wave 2005 by David Penn
AUTHOR: David PennDATE: APR 2005
Working Money: Follow The Market Herd With Elliott Wave by Ryan Henry
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Does this sound familiar?
You spend countless
hours analyzing a company's financial strength,
market position, and industry potential.
You decide that everything is on
the up and up, and that the company
deserves a place in your investment
AUTHOR: Ryan HenryDATE: JAN 2011
Working Money: Forecasting With Elliott Wave Theory by Eric Morgan
AUTHOR: Eric MorganDATE: OCT 2003
AUTHOR: Rudy TeseoDATE: JUL 2002