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Article Archive For Keyword: 2

  • A Nondirectional Trading Strategy For Cryptocurrencies Part 2

    ARTICLE a trading strategy you can use whether the cryptocurrency being traded is falling or rising. Here in the second part of a two-part series, the focus is altcoins

  • A complete computer trading program part 2 by John F. Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A complete computer trading program part 2 by John F. Ehlers This program works with the standard CompuTrac or CSI (Commodity Systems, Inc.) disk data reading format (Table 1). The fundamental idea of this program is to take a 40-character string record

  • Aligning Trading Systems And Markets - Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Indicators used in trending markets will be different from those used in trendless markets.

  • An Early Warning System, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Some trading signals are better than others. In this second part of a three-part series, we'll describe a filter that'll help identify optimal swing trading buy/sell points

  • An Introduction To Options, Part 2: The Greek Variables

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Thinking of getting into option trading? In this article series, we are introducing some of the most important things to know to get started. Last time in part 1, we covered the components of option contracts and how options are used. This time, we'll lo

  • Anatomy Of A Breakdown (Part 2)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...There are many tools that the technician can use to help identify technical weakness on a price chart. Indicators used correctly can provide invaluable information.

  • Applied Technical Analysis Part 2: Basic Technical Analysis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Making buy and sell decisions with just a price chart? Here in part 2 of this series, we look at using only some very basic technical analysis to look for trading opportunities

  • As Goes January... Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In my last article, we looked at the January Barometer which says that stock performance in the first month is important in determining what stocks will do for the remainder of the year. As it turns out, this indicator is even more accurate following lon

  • Assessing risk on Wall Street part 2: Applying the Random Walk by Thomas A. Rorro

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Assessing risk on Wall Street part 2: Applying the Random Walk by Thomas A. Rorro The Random Walk theory lets the investor evaluate the risk of an investment before the investment is made. In the first article in this three-part series, the potential pr

  • Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Basic Programming For Technical Analysis, part 2 by Steve Notis Last month I explained the advantages of doing some of your own programming for technical analysis. I showed you a program called MSTRLST, which allows you to see the real names of CompuTra

  • Boost Your Strategy Development Part 2: The SMAC Optimizer

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trading strategies usually involve adjustable parameters, and trading strategy development involves optimizing those parameters to find the best inputs and variables for the most profitable results. Here is a look at using the SMAC optimizer algorithm fo

  • Buying For A Risky Yield, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Previously, I wrote suggesting a high-risk purchase of Royal Bank of Scotland Preferred ADRs as a high-yield investment. Here's another preferred share to look at that is also paying a yield of about 15%.

  • Chartmill Value Indicator, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In the first part of this series, you were introduced to an oscillator not prone to stickiness in overbought/oversold regions and that didn't have the lag commonly associated with oscillators. In part 2, here's how to apply it and profit from it.

  • Coffee Comes In, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A failed breakout searches for support ... and another opportunity for a rally.

  • Comparing The Momentums Of Stock Market Indexes, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last month in part 1, we looked at using an oscillator based on momentum to compare the momentums of two markets on a chart for insights into those markets. In this part, we'll look at what centerline crossovers tell us about the state of the overall sto

  • Cryptocurrencies And Seasonality: Crypto Winter (Part 2)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Did you know a pattern exists in cryptocurrencies where two years of a bear market are often followed by two years of a bull market? This is a type of seasonality that you could profit by, both on the short and long side. Here is what to look for to help

  • Cumulative Volume and momentum Part 2 by John C. Lawlor

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Cumulative Volume and momentum Part 2 by John C. Lawlor Price is so obvious that we all expect it to tell us everything. For example, if our stock gains $1 on the day, we feel good. However, what we really do is multiply that $1 by, say, the 500 shares

  • Day Trading Basics, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...It's impossible to sift through all the stocks traded on the exchange, so you need a method to identify the stocks with the greatest momentum.

  • Day trading and short-term trading techniques Part 2 by Kent Calhoun

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Day trading and short-term trading techniques Part 2 by Kent Calhoun In my three years of day trading markets in Chicago, not one person who opened an account strictly for day trading purposes lasted more than six months. Yet, the most successful trader

  • Dealing with conflict Part 2 by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Dealing with conflict Part 2 by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. ""I have an elaborate computer system, on-line market quotes direct from the major exchanges, and a program that gives me distinct buy-sell signals. I know that if I followed those signals, I'd make mo

  • Detecting dependence part 2 by Clifford J. Sherry, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Detecting dependence part 2 by Clifford J. Sherry, Ph.D. In an article in the last issue (Stocks & Commodities, April 1986), I outlined a means of detecting whether dependence existed between prices in a time series. To read this article, you should rec

  • Discount broker blues Part 2 by Dan Weinberg

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Discount broker blues Part 2 by Dan Weinberg Beginner's Luck Everyone assumes that when you talk about ""beginner's luck"" you are referring to good luck. This is an incorrect assumption in many cases, and it certainly was with my early trades in the s

  • Elements of charting Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 2 by Jack K. Hutson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Elements of charting Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 2 by Jack K. Hutson The second of a series which presents the Richard D. Wyckoff method of trading stocks. In this article, the different types of charts upon which the Wyckoff method is based a

  • Elliott Waves: How High Is High? Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this second of two parts, we look at some trading techniques that could result in higher-probability trades with lower risk than those suggested by some of the classic trading techniques

  • Expansions & Contractions, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In the first part of this three-part article series, we found out how to measure intrinsic divergences. In this second part, we will identify divergences that take place when price may appear to be strong but has a tendency to close near the lows.

  • Exploring Charting Techniques: Basic Chart Trading, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Pullbacks, swing reversals, breakouts, trend reversals - these are some of the things prices do. Here's how you can recognize and trade them.

  • Far East Flavor Part 2 - Engulfing Patterns

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's a candlestick pattern that can signal a reversal.

  • From Greed & Fear To Grow & Protect, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In part 1 of this two-part article, you were introduced to rules you could apply in various markets, including markets recovering from a decline. Here in part 2, we'll see how well the rules work.

  • Head & Shoulders, Algorithmically, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In part 1, we looked at how to find important milestone points in a head & shoulders formation. In this, the second article of a two-part series, we present an algorithm that will let the computer find the formations for us.

  • How To Profit From Trading Ranges, Example 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Symantec Corporation has been in a $48-$70 trading range over the last four months.

  • Identifying And Timing With The Special K, Part 2 by Martin J. Pring

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 27:01 (28-35): Identifying And Timing With The Special K, Part 2 by Martin J. Pring In part 1, you were introduced to the Special K indicator and its application on the weekly and daily charts. In part 2, we will show you how Spe

  • Know The Trend, Know The Trade (Part 2)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...By knowing the high-probability direction of the market, we know how to trade it.

  • Linear Regression Of Price And Time Part 2: The Regression Adaptive Moving Average (RAMA)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's a novel approach to the problem of incorporating changing market volatility into a moving average

  • Looking At Minute-By-Minute Stock Option Data Part 2: Short Margins

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Can retail traders make more money using straddles or strangles than by just buying a call or put? Can retail traders make money using option strategies that include margined short option positions? We explore these questions here using the minute-by-min

  • MACD momentum Part 2 by Thomas Aspray

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...MACD momentum Part 2 by Thomas Aspray Last month I looked at how the MACD Momentum (MACD-Mo) and MACD Histogram (MACD-H) were excellent intermediate indicators for stocks as well as commodities. I also use the MACD-Mo and MACD-H on daily data, but the r

  • Market Profile Part 2 by Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.D. and Robert L. McNutt

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Market Profile Part 2 by Thomas P. Drinka, Ph.D. and Robert L. McNutt The market is composed of time, price and volume. Each day, the market--in attempting to facilitate trade--develops a price range delineated by the daily high and low and a Value Area w

  • Moving Average Band Width Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this follow-up to last month's article on moving average bands (MAB), we present an indicator based on the distance between the bands. MAB width lines can foreshadow strong market moves or a change in trend

  • Moving averages Part 2 Ehlers Leading Indicator (ELI) by John Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Moving averages Part 2 Ehlers Leading Indicator (ELI) by John Ehlers Most technical indicators use a moving average of some kind, and this usually dooms the indicator to lag price. Some indicators use momentum, or rate of change, to generate a leading f

  • On System Development; Part 2 by Mark Vakkur, M.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...On System Development Part 2 by Mark Vakkur, M.D. Last month, this author introduced the initial steps that someone, novice or veteran, should take when developing a stock market system. This time, he explains the final steps. Last time, I posited that

  • Opening range breakout: early entry Part 2 by Toby Crabel

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Opening range breakout: early entry Part 2 by Toby Crabel Early entry is defined as a large price movement in one direction within the first five minutes after the open of the daily session. A study of early entry is essentially a study of price action,

  • PENDY'S PICKS: August 2, 2012

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The .OEX pulled back once again on Wednesday, looking for $630.00 to act as support.

  • PENDY'S PICKS: July 2, 2012

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The .OEX rocketed higher on Friday, confirming the bullish strength of two of its key price cycles.

  • PSA New Fractal 2 Buy Signal

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...One of the more unique MetaStock systems has just gone long on shares of Public Storage.

  • Pairs Rotation With Ehlers Loops, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last time in part 1, a new charting style named Ehlers Loops was introduced that could help you to gain predictive insights by the nature of the display. This time, we'll look at Ehlers Loops in action with a pairs trading example

  • Part 2 Modern Portfolio Theory in managed futures by Gary S. Antonacci

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...part 2 Modern Portfolio Theory in managed futures by Gary S. Antonacci Optimal portfolio diversification using Modern Portfolio Theory is a particularly valuable tool when applied to futures trading and is the key to earning attractive returns with less

  • Part 2 Succeeding with options by Leonard Yates

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...part 2 Succeeding with options by Leonard Yates As promised in the first half of this article, here are three safe and reliable methods for succeeding in options without forecasting the underlying security. Method #1: Temporary mispricings Options fre

  • Part 2: Are junk stocks really dogs? by Bill Dunbar

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...part 2: Are junk stocks really dogs? by Bill Dunbar This is the second part of an article by the same title published in a previous issue of Stocks & Commodities. In the first half, my question was related to investment in junk stocks near the peak of t

  • Peak performance in volatile markets Part 2 by Susan Arenson and Neal Weintraub

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Peak performance in volatile markets Part 2 by Susan Arenson and Neal Weintraub In any area of pursuit, setting goals can give you a greater sense of direction, help you feel more productive, better mobilize your efforts and direct your attention to the

  • Point and figure analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Point and figure analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol When you start point & figure chart (P&F) analysis, you should start with longer-term data and a l´3 chart like Figure 1, the P&F chart for AT&T. (See ""Point & figure charts: An overview,"

  • Point and figure: Analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Point and figure: Analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol The fundamental pattern in point and figure charting -- the congestion area -- occurs after a substantial rise or fall in the price of a stock as the investment community adjusts to the new

  • Predicting Market Data Using The Kalman Filter, Pt 2 by R. Martinelli & N. Rhoads

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Predicting Market Data Using The Kalman Filter, Pt 2 by R. Martinelli & N. Rhoads Can the Kalman filter be used to predict future price movement? In this second part of this series we answer this question. Previously, we discussed the Kalman filter and

  • Price Action With Fibonacci Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Combining price action with Fibonacci levels is simple but powerful. Here's how to unleash the potential of these levels

Product Review: MetaStock 2 by Dennis D. Peterson

Product Review: MultiCharts 2 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Product Review: Omega TradeStation Version 2 by William Blau

Product Review: Optionstar 2 by David Penn

Product Review: Time To Trade 2

Product Review: eSignal 10 & Advanced Get Edition (pt 2) by Barbara Star, PhD

Product Review: eSignal 10.5, Part 2 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

  • Product review: 0DTE Options Trading Workshop, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Some 40% of daily trading in options is now in zero-days-to-expiration (0DTE) contracts, which are contracts that expire the same day they are traded. This is part 2 of my report on the three-week workshop

  • Product review: NinjaTrader 8 Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last month in part 1, I reviewed some of the many features of NinjaTrader 8 and ended by saying that this month I would cover the strategy development features and some of the advanced order-handling features. As mentioned in the first part, there are so

  • Product review: (Part 2)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Service offering advisories, analysis tools, and educational materials

  • Product review: VectorVest 7 Premium, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last month in part 1 of my review of VectorVest 7 Premium, I focused on two of the three most important questions for traders and investors

  • Profit-Taking And Resets Part 2: Short-Term Trading

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trends can be useful for longer-term trades but what about short-term trades? Do they work just as well? Here's a look at a trading system that can be applied successfully to shorter-term trends

  • Pseudo Securities For Technical Analysts, Part 2 by Charles E. Miller

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Pseudo Securities For Technical Analysts - Part 2 Last time, we examined the idea of using pseudo securities, based on artificial data with known properties, to map the characteristics of various indicators. We then applied this concept to the time doma

  • Reacting To Market Moves, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...What approach can lead to success in technical trading, in spite of all the cognitive biases we can have that were discussed in part 1 of this two-part article? Here in this second part, we try to answer that question by comparing what humans do in the m

  • Relative Strength Moving Averages Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here in part 2 of this 3-part series, we explore the relative strength volume-adjusted exponential moving average

  • Repeated Median Velocity Strategy, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here in the second part of this article, you'll identify optimal parameters and find out how the system performed.

  • Richard Demille Wyckoff Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...There are no shortcuts to becoming a successful trader. In this second of a five-part series about Richard D. Wyckoff, we look at how persistence and determination played a role in his trading career

  • Shorting Stocks-Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's how you can profit from a falling stock.

  • Spread Investing Tools of the trade part 2 by Frank Taucher

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spread Investing Tools of the trade part 2 by Frank Taucher In part one, I discussed some of the pitfalls of traditional studies on the seasonality of spreading and how I attempted to correct them in my spread trading. The objective of the program is to

  • System Design Software, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In Part 1 of this series on system design software, we looked at AmiBroker and Adaptrade. Here in Part 2, weÕll look at two more products, eSignal and Trade Navigator.

  • Taming The Effects Of Whipsaw, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last time in part 1, we presented a filter to help protect your trend-following strategy against whipsaws. This time, we show how to include the effects of volatility to further improve filtering effectiveness and trading performance

  • Technical Tools For Day Traders, Part 2: Pivot System Support and Resitance

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Judgements made about likely market behavior which are based on momentum analysis can be even more productive if you have predetermined levels available to act as "price templates" for interpreting the day's trading activity. The Pivot Sys

  • The Edge In Chart Patterns, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Part 1 of this article showed how you can use a trading system to define the edge that a chart pattern gives you. This concluding part will elaborate on three practical issues relating to this subject: market frictions, sample populations, and capital re

  • The Ins & Outs Of Moving Averages Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...They are ubiquitous on price charts and an integral part of technical analysis. Do you know everything you should about using them? Here in part 2, we go a little deeper into the topic of moving averages

The MIDAS Touch, Part 2 by Andrew Coles, PhD

  • The Missing Link, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this second part of a two-part series, you see the time & price relationship develop in real time on a chart of gold futures.

  • The Options Risk Curve Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Your beautiful risk curve didn't provide you with the beautiful profits it seemed to promise on day one. Why? We asked the experts. In part 1, we covered nine of those 12 reasons. Here, we look at the next three

  • The Overlay Profile For Current Market Analysis Part 2 by Donald Jones and Christopher Young

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Overlay Profile For Current Market Analysis Part 2 by Donald Jones and Christopher Young Perhaps the best way to learn how to apply long-term overlays to trading is by example. Normally, the trader follows the overlay until an equilibrium time perio

  • The V-Trade Part 2: Technical Analysis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Making buy and sell decisions are critical for any trader. But in some market environments, it's difficult to gauge which way prices will move. Are institutional traders just pushing prices to make a quick buck? What's a retail trader to do? Here's one w

  • The Weekly Options, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last month in part 1, we tracked the growth in weekly options and presented one trader's success story trading AAPL iron butterflies. Here, we look at three more ways to trade weeklys.

  • The compulsive trader Part 2 by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The compulsive trader Part 2 by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. ""When water passes over your head, it makes no difference if it does so by an inch or afoot. You're drowning. You don't want to admit that it is easier to get out of a $100,000 debt than a million dol

  • Trading Eurodollar One-Minute Bar Charts, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The level of noise in price movements can have an impact on our trading. Here's a system that filters out the noise and trades the trends.

  • Trading Leveraged QQQ ETFs Part 2: TQQQ

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Can you beat buy & hold, with favorable reward-to-risk measures, by including a leveraged QQQ ETF in your portfolio allocation with market timing? In part 1, the study tested a 2x ETF. Here, a 3x ETF is tested. Do results improve, or worsen? We find out

  • Trading SLV In The Age Of Zero Commission Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this two-article series, some possible trading rules based on a selection of technical indicators are evaluated, and the best three are presented. In part 1, the focus was on trading a popular gold ETF. Here in part 2, the focus is on trading a popula

  • Trading Without A Backstop, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Placing protective stops affects your trading performance in good and bad ways. Should you or shouldn't you use them? Here in part 2 of this series, we take a look.

  • Trading five-wave reversals Part 2 by Dan A. Dimock

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trading five-wave reversals Part 2 by Dan A. Dimock In ""Trading five-wave reversals"" (Stocks & Commodities, January 1990), I examined the one place in the market cycle where optimal entry into a win-win situation can occur: at the end of any wave C th

  • Understanding Level II Quotes - Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Reading the Level II screen is more an art than a science.

  • Understanding The Yield Curve, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last month in part 1, we presented the basics of yield curve analysis. Here, we review its historical performance in various countries through the use of yield spread indicators.

  • Updata (Part 2)

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In part 1 of this two-part series, I covered the basics of Updata. This time, I will cover features, some of which are difficult to find anywhere else.

Volatility Breakout System Version 2 by John Sweeney

  • Volatility analysis and simulation used in tactical trading Part 2 by Peter Eliason

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Volatility analysis and simulation used in tactical trading Part 2 by Peter Eliason The tactical trading algorithm, as explained in the March 1989 issue of Stocks & Commodities, is made up of two components: the manipulation of a numerical series to det

  • Wave Count 2006: Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This Elliott wave analysis of the cyclical bull market that began in the autumn of 2002 ends with a review and projection of the rally since the 2004 lows.

  • Wave market analysis Part 2 by Bryce T. Gilmore

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wave market analysis Part 2 by Bryce T. Gilmore In part one of this article (February 1988), we examined four turning points--[W], [X], [Y] and [Z]--in the trend of Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Sugar-World #11 contract. We looked at time cycles and re

  • When Backtests Meet Reality Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Being able to predict with some accuracy the live trading behavior of a trading strategy is important to your bottom line. Last time in part 1, we looked at some important facets and components of backtesting a trading strategy before you take it live. H

  • Wilder's Directional Movement Index System Part 2 by Jim Summers, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wilder's Directional Movement Index System Part 2 by Jim Summers, Ph.D. As I noted in the last issue, I need both a charting program and Lotus 1-2-3 to trade with discipline and confidence, along with maintaining my emotional health. My first major prog

  • Will AI Ever Be Useful For Technical Analysis? Part 2: Technical Analysis Advice From ChatGPT

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...AI models such as ChatGPT are capable of producing very sophisticated (or sophisticated-sounding) writings. But just how useful is the advice from an AI model for technical trading? Here's a look

  • Writing Covered Calls Part 2: Opportunities For Option Sellers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Last time in part 1, we looked at using the option strategy of writing covered calls, including what to consider when you go to write (sell) a covered call. This time, we look at some ways to implement and structure your covered call writes, and consider

  • Wyckoff Part 2: Determining Relative Strength And Weakness

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Once you've identified and predicted the current market trend, you must decide whether it's time to enter the market, exit the market, or abstain from the market altogether. Looking at a security's relative strength or weakness in compari

  • Wyckoff in action (part 2) by David Weis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wyckoff in action (part 2) by David Weis In Part 1 of this article (S&C, June 1986), we recognized at point #12 (Figure 1) that large operators were accumulating bonds prior to an upswing. The conservative point-and-figure count AB (Figure 2) indicated

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