ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The New York Composite Index still has a number of bearish technicals holding it back, but a few rays of hope are shining through.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) is a transcontinental carrier operating in Canada and the US. Second quarter earnings propelled the stock upward.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Momentum is signaling higher pump prices as technical analysis points to slow, if any, economic growth.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Gold has been working its way higher since early February. However, a negative divergence has developed over the last month, forecasting that this market could see lower prices ahead.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Some sell signals are more appealing than others, depending on the broader context in which they appear.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Shares of Caterpillar Inc. are up about 6% after making a major multicycle swing low in mid-July 2012. Is there more of a rally in store?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The US Dollar Index has fallen substantially in the past two years. Now it faces some challenges if it hopes to turn around.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Has the May rally gone too far, too fast? Not as far as the Internet sector is concerned.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stiff overhead resistance for the high-tech composite index looks likely.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Was last week the start of the meltdown?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...My question for November 11, 2007: "Was last week the start of the meltdown?" Looks like it was.