ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A positive divergence in the MACDH anticipates the seasonal "September rally" in cocoa futures.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Shares of Comcast CL A may be ready to turn lower, but only for a brief retest of support before turning higher.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A short-term negative divergence suggests one more trip down before September cocoa's bottoming process can be called complete.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Cyclical analysis suggests that shares of Stillwater Mining may soon fall, reaching a tradable low in the near future.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...For those who have been following volatility using Bollinger Bands, an interesting thing happened to the S&P500. . .
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This stock had been consolidating for six weeks until December 13. Will this latest bullish breakout attempt soon drive the stock back into the $30 range again?