ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The study of relationships between range and volume provides a valuable insight to market conditions.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...After a massive decline in crude oil during the last half of 2008, it staged a stealth recovery in early 2009. Crude oil is now under consolidation. But is it possible that crude oil is attempting a comeback? Tensions are once again mounting in the Middl
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Bonds hit a double low and presented divergences in the short and intermediate term.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Bollinger Bands suggest a trading range is developing.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Negative divergences in the stochastic and the MACD histogram anticipated a late summer correction in lean hog futures.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A MmM pattern in the MACD histogram hints at a buying opportunity as December bean oil rallies into September.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...CONTRACT SPECS Eurodollar time deposits and one-month LIBOR futures.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Continuous Lead Contract by Frank Suler A trading champion shares one of the tools he uses to analyze the markets. Since the introduction of the spreadsheet, I've used its abilities in the continuing search for a profit-making trading system. In th