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AUTHOR: N. HarringtonDATE: OCT 2024
AUTHOR: Brian TwomeyDATE: APR 2008
The ADX by John Sweeney
The calculation of the average directional movement (ADX)
indicator is built on the intuitive notion that a trend is a series
of price ranges extending in a consistent direction. In sidebar
Figure 1, example A, the second day's trading range is
AUTHOR: John SweeneyDATE: MAY 1993
The ADX by Thom Hartle
The calculation of the average directional movement (ADX)
indicator is built on the intuitive notion that a trend is a series
of price ranges extending in a consistent direction. In sidebar
Figure 1, example A, the second day's trading range is
AUTHOR: Thom HartleDATE: APR 1993
AUTHOR: Stella Osoba, CMTDATE: DEC 2014
Trend-Following With The ADX by Martin Boot
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trend-Following With The ADX by Martin Boot
Have you ever been interested in a system, but weren't quite sure how it worked? Here's a simple and robust trend-following system using the ADX, with only one entry condition and one exit condition.
To desi
AUTHOR: Martin BootDATE: SEP 2000
AUTHOR: Ashwani GujralDATE: DEC 2003
AUTHOR: Bruce TintelnotDATE: AUG 2012
Working Money: The ADX And The DMI
AUTHOR: Brian TwomeyDATE: JUL 2008