ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Hewlett Packard is splitting into two companies, HP, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Enterprises.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Hewlett Packard (HPQ) completed a head and shoulders pattern that forecasts lower prices for this hardware manufacturer. Prices had not fallen much before hitting an old support level. But other factors suggest this is only a temporary stop in a longer-t
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...With experience in virtually every aspect of the commodity futures industry from phone clerk to vice president of operations, Adam Packard can be considered a "go to" person when it comes to learning about trading futures. He received a B.A. in economics
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...We all know that Hewlett Packard has changed management, and that the company is consolidating itself. Is it worth a buy?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Hewlett Packard had a tough time from 2010 through early 2013 but since then it has shown steady gains. It's recently flashed an impressive bullish chart pattern that's worth examining.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Momentum and money flow failed to confirm the latest high in Hewlett Packard, and trouble could be brewing.