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AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: JAN 2009
AUTHOR: Denis Ridley, Ph.D.DATE: MAY 1993
AUTHOR: Tucker J. EmmettDATE: APR 1985
Gerald Appel, With Systems and Forecasts by Thom Hartle
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Gerald Appel, With Systems and Forecasts by Thom Hartle
Gerald Appel, a well-known name in the annals of technical analysis, not only publishes the Systems and Forecasts newsletter, he is also a money manager with $200 million under management. But he m
AUTHOR: Thom HartleDATE: MAR 1994
AUTHOR: Luis FerroDATE: MAY 2004
AUTHOR: Dan DiBartolomeoDATE: JUN 1990
AUTHOR: Kevin RiordanDATE: JUN 2000
AUTHOR: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.DATE: NOV 2014
Spotting Momentum Reversals And Deriving Price Forecasts
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Spotting a reversal in the current momentum of the market and forecasting its price movement is every trader's objective. Here's a look at the X-sequentials X7 pattern, a technique that has been applied to the DAX futures, NASDAQ 100, and mini?crude oil
AUTHOR: Devin SageDATE: NOV 2011
AUTHOR: Mike Carr, CMTDATE: JAN 2012
Trading With ARIMA Forecasts
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Commodity Trading Risks
by Allen D. Hanson
Few traders fully realize the risks that they are taking when they make a commitment in the futures
market. They have learned all about charts, cycles, fundamentals, and basic trading theory, but when it
AUTHOR: John F. KepkaDATE: AUG 1985