ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...That saying's been around for a long time, but you have to wonder: Is it for real?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Up by more than 400% between September 2102 and June 2014, shares of Delta Airlines Inc. appear poised for a soft landing prior to another run higher.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Here's a look at two trades using a strategy you can use almost every day. I'm going to show you two trades using a bread & butter strategy you can use almost every day to capture profits from the stock market. As you can see from Figures 1 and 2,
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The S&P 500 continues to make most of its gains between November and April and underperform between May and October. Here is an updated look at this phenomenon and how you can put it to use.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...'SELL in MAY and GO AWAY' is a maxim that is always on every investor's mind.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This maxim is on everyone's lips at the moment. Is the market going into a quiet phase over the next few months because of the start of the summer holidays? Or is there something else involved?