ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A case for patterns by Kent Calhoun Probabilities are nothing more than mathematical odds of occurrence. The success of any trading system is a direct function of probability, yet how often is a trader aware when the odds shift strongly in his or her fa
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...While Apple remains in a long-term downward trend, an intermediate-term statistical analysis shows that Apple may be ready to shed some of its excess losses.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The S&P 500 appears to be trending higher with the US dollar. This bodes well for US stocks.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Sound Off: A case for rising energy prices by Joseph Holleman Editor's Note: Mr Holleman was bold enough to write this in mid-June 1985 for our December issue. Whether correct or not, we feel an example of the thinking behind taking an actual position i
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...The Aroon recently flashed a bearish signal. Could we be headed for a bear market?