ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...As the broad US markets prepare for a summer corrective move, traders shorting the stocks from the weakest industry groups might have a distinct market edge.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Comparing the track records of the Fidelity Select Sector funds on a short-, intermediate-, and long-term basis may help identify industry group rotations.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...With the broad US markets likely getting close to an interim (maybe even major) cycle top, here's a look at the strongest and weakest funds in the Fidelity Select Sector mutual funds complex.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trade Sector Funds With Pure Momentum by Jay Kaeppel In the July 1999 Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, I wrote about one of the systems I use to trade Fidelity Select sector funds. That system was referred to as the relative strength system (
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 22:10 (82-88): Trading Sector Funds Using Statistics by John P. Twardy Ever thought of trading sector funds? Here's a method that'll give you an edge on the market. Sector fund analysis and trading always seem to require tools o