Optimized Trading Systems
Home | Portfolios | Profits | Trades | Confirmed Trades
The trades generated by the optimized indicators
are listed here in descending order. A short trade will
generate a SELL status, while a long trade will generate
a BUY status. Trades are established at the opening price
of the trade date. Dates are displayed in YYYYMMDD format.
Click on a symbol to view indicator and trade details,
or click on the More... links
to view the continued list.
Most Recent Trades |
Optimized CCI |
Symbol | Trade Date |
1. REGN | 20220214-Short |
2. KR | 20220214-Short |
3. UAA | 20220214-Long |
4. OTIS | 20220214-Long |
5. J | 20220214-Long |
6. GOOGL | 20220214-Long |
7. AME | 20220214-Long |
8. MSI | 20220214-Long |
9. GOOG | 20220214-Long |
10. EL | 20220214-Long |
11. TMO | 20220214-Long |
12. NKE | 20220214-Long |
13. IBM | 20220214-Long |
14. FISV | 20220214-Long |
15. DUK | 20220214-Long |
16. LUMN | 20220211-Long |
17. PGR | 20220211-Long |
18. MAS | 20220211-Long |
19. ITW | 20220211-Long |
20. GIS | 20220211-Long |
21. WAB | 20220210-Short |
22. TDY | 20220210-Short |
23. SNPS | 20220210-Short |
24. RCL | 20220210-Short |
25. NWS | 20220210-Short |
26. NCLH | 20220210-Short |
27. LW | 20220210-Short |
28. JKHY | 20220210-Short |
29. HWM | 20220210-Short |
30. FLT | 20220210-Short |
31. CBRE | 20220210-Short |
32. FOXA | 20220210-Short |
33. STX | 20220210-Short |
34. PRGO | 20220210-Short |
35. ALLE | 20220210-Short |
36. BRK.B | 20220210-Short |
37. FMC | 20220210-Short |
38. NWSA | 20220210-Short |
39. XRAY | 20220210-Short |
40. EXPE | 20220210-Short |
41. HST | 20220210-Short |
42. CTSH | 20220210-Short |
43. AIZ | 20220210-Short |
44. SYY | 20220210-Short |
45. SYK | 20220210-Short |
46. PAYX | 20220210-Short |
47. MSFT | 20220210-Short |
48. MDT | 20220210-Short |
49. IPG | 20220210-Short |
50. HUM | 20220210-Short |
51. FCX | 20220210-Short |
52. AXP | 20220210-Short |
53. AMAT | 20220210-Short |
54. AES | 20220210-Short |
More... |
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