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New York Mercantile Exchange

Note: The following information has not been updated by the vendor since 04/09/08.

Address:One North End Avenue, World Financial Center
New York, NY 10282-1101
Phone # for sales: 212 299 2000
Fax: 212 301 4700
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Exchange Attributes | General Exchange Information | Operations and Manangement | Protective Systems |

Exchange Attributes TOP

Name of exchange: New York Mercantile Exchange
Acronym(s) for exchange: NYMEX/COMEX
Brief description of exchange: 

Trading day begins for this exchange: 730 EST
Trading day ends for this exchange: 400 EST
Do the trading day hours differ for any of the issues or contracts traded at this exchange?: Yes
Types of stocks and/or commodities this exchange cover(s):  N/A

General Exchange Information TOP

Free information on the stocks and/or commodities listed at your exchange available: Yes
Securities are traded in this manner at this exchange: 

This exchange protects public investors by: 


Operations and Manangement TOP

This exchange is owned and operated by: 

This exchange is governed by: 

The requirements to be listed on this exchange can be seen at this URL: N/A
Number of current issues or contracts traded at this exchange: N/A
A list of the current issues or contracts traded at this exchange can be seen at this URL:

Protective Systems TOP

These protective systems are in place during a system failure: 


Liquidity TOP

Average open interest(contracts) or average trading volume(shares) on this exchange (daily): N/A
Standard deviation regarding the open interest or trading volume at this exchange: N/A

Exchange Attributes | General Exchange Information | Operations and Manangement | Protective Systems |

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