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Article Archive For Keyword: Sizing

  • David Stendahl And Position Sizing

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...David Stendahl is the portfolio manager at Capitalogix, a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) firm specializing in systematic trading. He is also a leading industry expert, author, and speaker focused on the managed futures industry. He also co_created vario

  • Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Fixing The Flaws In Fixed-Fractional Position Sizing by Christian B. Smart, PhD Fixed-fractional position sizing is a time-tested method for money management, but in the long run, it will never achieve system expectancy. Here's how you can fix this flaw

  • Position Sizing Basics

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Are you giving enough consideration to this very important part of the trading equation?

  • Position Sizing For Optimal Results by Bo Yoder

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Position Sizing For Optimal Results by Bo Yoder Carefully choosing position sizes can lead to consistent returns. Position sizing is a facet of trading that is often misunderstood and has the potential to dramatically affect your returns. After all the

  • Position Sizing In The Spot Forex Markets

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Wouldn't you like to know exactly how much you are risking before you enter a trade? Find out how to do just that before placing your next trade.

  • Position Sizing With Monte Carlo Simulation by Michael R. Bryant, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Need to know how much to put on your next trade? You can figure it out with 95% reliability using this simulation technique. Consider this: Jane and Joe started trading the same Standard & Poor's 500 futures trading system at the same time. They each be

  • Risk Management, Position Sizing, And Probability by Brian Auit

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Risk Management, Position Sizing, And Probability by Brian Auit Implement a well-planned strategy before initiating your next trade so you can sustain losses. This methodical approach allows you to consider all the factors before initiating your next tr

  • Risk, Volatility, & Position Sizing

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...This may be the insight you wish you had gotten when you first started trading, and it's something every trader can benefit from. You can attain a positive skew for your trade outcomes if you start with the correct position size for each trade. Find out

  • Sizing A Futures Trading Account by Jay Kaeppel

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Sizing A Futures Trading Account by Jay Kaeppel While most traders start out working on a trading system, they forget that the amount of starting capital is equally important. Here are some guidelines to consider. Novice traders focus their attention o

  • Sizing Up For Success by John Sarkett

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Sizing Up For Success by John Sarkett Here's a look at how an option trader started small and graduated to trading "more size." True to his name, option trader Tony Sizemore trades "more size" than most. After a long career in mortgage lending, which i

  • Stock Hit List And Sizing Up The Market

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...One of the biggest edges you can give yourself is knowing who the strongest stock leaders are and how to spot them.

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