ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Grand Theft Auto is arguably the most successful video game franchise in history. But its parent Take Two Interactive Software, Inc., recently completed a head and shoulders topping pattern. What's next for this stock?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Looking Forward With Jeff Parent by J. Gopalakrishnan Jeff Parent has been providing wealth management services to his high net worth clients since 1992. From many years of experience, he has become proficient in portfolio management techniques and has
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Ranked Relative Strength by Jeff Parent How do you know which sectors to trade? Here's a system that will identify the strongest sectors so you know what you should be chasing. When Charles Dow started recording his average in the late 19th century (Fi
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Testing Signal Efficacy by Jeff Parent Here's how you can evaluate how effective your trading system is. ot unlike new pharmaceutical drugs, buy and sell signals must be put through rigorous tests to determine their usefulness. Only when signals prove