ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Cyclic personalities by John Ehlers Are there basic differences in the cyclic behavior of various commodities? Although theory predicts short-term cycles will come and go, there is no theory predicting different cyclic ""personalities"" for different co
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Hilbert Indicators Tell You When To Trade by John Ehlers On Lag, Signal Processing, And The Hilbert Transform Here's one way to control moving average lag, using a little math and a little-known algorithm called the Hilbert transform to come up with in
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...After four decades of providing products, services, and education to traders through his company, MESA Software, John F. Ehlers has announced his retirement. Ehlers, a Contributing Editor to STOCKS & COMMODITIES since nearly the magazine's launch, is a p
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...John F. Ehlers is a market technician with a specialty in the study of market data and cycles, as well as using that data more effectively to develop trading strategies. In the early 1980s, around the same time this magazine was launched, he was pioneeri
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...I bought the first MESA program sold by John Ehlers sometime in 1985-86 when I was looking for something other than Gann fans and Fourier analysis to determine cycles. That's when I first learned about John Ehlers.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Leading indicators with momentum by John Ehlers Newcomers to technical trading are often confused by terminology. Oscillators don't oscillate and stochastics have nothing to do with random variables. Neither does momentum describe the force required to
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Moving averages Part 1 by John Ehlers Averages have long been recognized as the best estimator of a random variable. Traders use moving averages as trading signals or as components of trading systems, but the moving average characteristics are seldom de
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Moving averages Part 2 Ehlers Leading Indicator (ELI) by John Ehlers Most technical indicators use a moving average of some kind, and this usually dooms the indicator to lag price. Some indicators use momentum, or rate of change, to generate a leading f
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Moving averages and smoothing filters by John Ehlers Moving averages are perhaps the single most widely used technical trading tool. While averages are important tools, let's face it--we don't need computers to calculate them. Traders were using moving a
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Profit mapping by John Ehlers Optimization has been attacked by many technicians -- and rightfully so -- because peaking profit is virtually the same as curve fitting to back data. Used in this fashion, optimization can produce startling track records and
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Setting stops -- a new approach by John Ehlers The cliche in golf is ""drive for show, but putt for dough."" The analogy in technical trading is that the ability to pick entry points is highly focused, but scant attention is paid to how to exit a trade.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 25:3 (22-24): Trading In Your IRA by John Ehlers This concept lets you trade your IRA with performance that can beat the index dramatically. Trading in your individual retirement account (IRA) usually means selecting which mutua
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Trading threshold by John Ehlers In radar, signal-to-noise ratio is used to measure the quality of target detection. In trading, this simple concept can be used to hit our profit targets better. We can improve our trading profitability if trading decisi
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Using A Constant False Alarm Rate In Trading by John Ehlers Modern information theory has existed for the last half century or so. This theory has been responsible for man significant scientific advances, including recovery of photograph taken in deep s