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Article Archive For Keyword: Code

  • Code For PVI & NVI Indicators

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In a continuation of my previous article, "Positive Volume Index Or Negative Volume Index", I'm supplying the code for both indexes in Easylanguage (ELA), for TradeStation, and as an Excel spreadsheet (XLS).

  • Code REC - False Alarm Or Early Warning?

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...There have been a number of recession calls made of late. But does the recent reverting of the yield curve mean that our worries were overblown or could there be more clouds on the horizon?

  • Product review: The 3S Code

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Indicator and scanner for locating price swing top and bottom reversals

  • Quick-Scan: Cracking The Money Code

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Anyone who has been trading the markets for a while is probably familiar with Larry Williams, the innovator and developer of numerous trading concepts and custom, proprietary indicators during a trading career spanning nearly a half century. As his websi

  • SIDEBAR: BASIC and TradeStation Code for Phase Calculation

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...BASIC CODE FOR PHASE CALCULATION by John F. Ehlers This BASIC code finds the real part of the phasor (the horizontal component) and the imaginary part of the phasor (the vertical component) by summing the product of the price and the two sinusoids over

  • SIDEBAR: The K-ratio TradeStation Code

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...THE K-RATIO TRADESTATION CODE The K-ratio system includes no buy or sell signals. When run simultaneously with other trade-generating systems, it prints the K-ratio of the trade-generating system to the print log window. System Name : K-ratio VAR: Obs

  • SIDEBAR: TradeStation code

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Sidebar: TradeStation code Here's the code for flying the titantic for tradestation 3.01. Anyhting between the curly brackets {.....} is a comment statement and doesn't have to be typed in.

  • Sidebar: EDS code for MAS system by Steve Palmquist

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:9 (42-47): Sidebar: EDS code for MAS system by Steve Palmquist EDS CODE FOR MAS SYSTEM (for use in AIQ Systems' TradingExpert Pro program) ! Look for stocks in a downtrend LowerCloses if HiVal([close],5) < LoVal([close],20

  • Sidebar: EasyLanguage Code for ProSuite 2001 by Massimiliano Scorpio

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:7 (58-63): Sidebar: EasyLanguage Code for ProSuite 2001 by Massimiliano Scorpio FUNCTION msPattPos (Numeric Output) Input:Element(NumericSimple); value1=High[1]; value2=Low[1]; value3=(value1+value2)/2; value4=value1+AvgT

  • Sidebar: FRAMA EasyLanguage code by John F. Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:10 (81-82): Sidebar: FRAMA EasyLanguage code by John F. Ehlers FRAMA EASYLANGUAGE CODE Inputs: Price((H+L)/2); N(16); {N must be an even number} Vars: count(0); N1(0), N2(0), N3(0), HH(0), LL(0), Dimen(0), alpha(0), Filt(0);

  • Sidebar: MetaStock Code For TPR Explorations by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...V. 22:3 (24-38): Sidebar: MetaStock Code For TPR Explorations by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D. METASTOCK CODE FOR TPR EXPLORATIONS Use the code below as a filter to identify TFs that last up to 60 trading days and produce retracements of no more than 50%.

  • Sidebar: MetaStock Code and Penny Stock Breakout System by Markos Katsanos

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:1 (18-29): Sidebar: MetaStock Code and Penny Stock Breakout System by Markos Katsanos This sidebar contains the MetaStock Code and Penney Stock code for Markos Katsanos' penny stock breakout system. The majority of the stocks

Sidebar: MetaStock code for VFI by Markos Katsanos

  • Sidebar: Neoticker code and trading system to calculate AIM by L. Chan & L. Lin


Sidebar: Swiss Army Knife EasyLangague Code by John F. Ehlers

  • Sidebar: eSignal code for Breakout Colored Price Bars by Barbara Star, PhD

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:2 (44-51): Sidebar: eSignal code for Breakout Colored Price Bars by Barbara Star, PhD

  • Sidebar: eSignal code for Directional Breakout Indicator by Barbara Star, PhD

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Stocks & Commodities V. 23:2 (44-51): Sidebar: eSignal code for Directional Breakout Indicator by Barbara Star, PhD

Sidebars: Mathematical formulas, and MetaStock code by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D.

  • The Secret To Breaking The Code

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Many people get duped into believing that by participating in the markets, success will be right around the corner. Here's a more realistic look

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