ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...""Stopping"" A System by John Sweeney Once you get hold of an idea, it's often tough to get rid of it, especially if it shows no promise whatever. It tugs at the back of the mind--what was it about the original insight? What was valid? What was bogus? I
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...On August 6, 2003 Cisco Systems Inc. reported a jump in quarterly net income but failed to top Wall Street expectations.Could charts have predicted this?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...A System For Trading Fidelity Select Funds by Jay Kaeppel The key techniques for trading stocks, options, and futures can also be applied successfully to mutual funds. Here's a systematic approach to mutual fund trading. Several keys to investment and
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...In this sixth part of a seven-part series, we look at an expert trading system that color-codes candlesticks to simplify entry & exit decisions.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Designing a winning trading system, one that can survive a bear market as well as thrive during a bull market, takes a great deal of planning, testing, and self-examination.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...Developing A System by John Sweeney The great thing about many of the new trading support systems is that they facilitate the respectable practice of ""dinking around"": that process of tweaking every crazy idea that strikes one until something producti
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS...When markets trend strongly, some systems really earn their keep. But what about having a system to rely on for those more frequent occurrences of consolidation, sideways chop, and generalized market chaos?