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Early Late Breaker

Note: The following information has not been updated by the vendor since 10/08/14.

Address:7500 West Lake Mead Blvd. Bldg #9 Unit 151
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone # for sales: 800-618-3820
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Trading System Features | Support | Data and Markets Followed | Optimization |
Special Features | Validation | Additional Information

Trading System Features TOP

Name of trading system: Early Late Breaker
Price of product: 1,250.00
Brief description of trading system: 

The edge of this trading system comes from its 2 to 1 average win to average loss ratio. The basis of this system is a simple break out set up and entry.
This trading system is: Proprietary
This system includes the following features: 
  • Trading signals
Back testing allowed: Yes
Built-in indicators are available:  N/A
A user can adjust the parameters for the indicators listed above: Yes
Can user write custom system/indicator/function without using the pre-packaged systems/indicators/functions?: No
The trading system is: Software that works within another application
Additional application required (if needed, eg. Excel, TradeStation, MetaStock): TradeStation%AE 2000 and TradeStation%AE 6

Support TOP

Types of customer support offered: 
  • Online help
Consultants are available with experience programming this system: Yes

Data and Markets Followed TOP

Types of data feeds this trading system accepts: 
  • BMI
  • eSignal
  • Genesis Finacial Data
  • Tradestation
This system is limited to these markets: 
  • Indices
Reporting capabilities: 
  • Uses TradeStation report outputs

Optimization TOP

Able to optimize the systems used or created: Yes

Special Features TOP

Best features of this trading system package: 

Part of the secret of developing a system is the methodology used to test it. Many of our competitors only use the individual contracts or use an optimization process. Furthermore, many of our competitors consider only the content of a system to be significant, we believe the way a system is tested is critical in attempting to judge how well it will perform walking forward in time. While we can't give away all the secrets of our rigorous testing methods, we can state that we do not optimize the systems. Rather we adjust patterns by hand, that is by hard code. Furthermore, we have built our own intra day continuos data base to allow us to test back over thirty six months and in most cases over five years. In such a fashion: using simple and unique set up patterns being tested over five years of data we have the utmost of confidence in our system's ability.
This product is ahead of competing products for these reasons: 

Our trading systems, while they can be purchased stand-alone, they are normally package into a portfolio of two or three. Through the use of TradeStation %AE 2000i and Rina's Portfolio Manager we have developed three systems with the objective of finding generic and robust trading systems that have a low correlation to each other. The ultimate goal is to provide our client with a portfolio of day trading systems that increase opportunity of capturing profits from different market environments and diversify risk with systems that have a low correlation to reduce drawdown. The package or portfolio of systems is priced lower than what our competitors sell a single system for.
These upgrades are planned for this software package: 

Through the use of TradeStation %AE 2000i and Rina's Portfolio Manager we are always developing new systems with the objective of finding generic and robust trading systems that have a low correlation to %C-Play Gap. The ultimate goal is to provide our client with a portfolio of day trading systems that increase opportunity of capturing profits from different market environments and diversify risk with systems that have a low correlation to reduce drawdown.
Studies have been done on the performance of this trading system in the newsletter Futures Truth: No

Validation TOP

Money back guarantee on this system: No
Performance tracking methods offered: 

Results are posted on CBI's web site on a continuous basis.
Money management strategies and procedures included with your system: No

Additional Information TOP

The following are included in this system: 
  • Completely mechanical rules and methodologies

Trading System Features | Support | Data and Markets Followed | Optimization |
Special Features | Validation | Additional Information

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