STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For Product Reviews & Quick-Scans 1990


    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Headed by a ruthless CEO renowned for his punishment of opposing short-sellers and backed by the wiliest band of directors in Christendom, nothing else trades like this NYSE stock. This month's mystery selection is a carefully selected chunk of 1989's action. If you haven't seen it, don 't despair. Even knowledgeable traders touch this gingerly. What stock is this? Did you make money here? Could you have made money? Explain in words and pictures. Our advice: Forget fundamentals or technicals. Think of this as war. Can you identify when and in what market this price formation o...

Market Analyzer PLUS


  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: SIDEBAR: OTHER CONTENDERS

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...After Dow's Market Analyzer Plus and MetaStock Pro 2.0, two contenders remain: N2 and CompuTrac. The all-time price leader at over $3,000 is CompuTrac-- the originator of this entire genus of software. After a developmental slowdown several years ago, acquisition by Telerate has pumped new money and new features into the program, and a recent revision included so many new items it almost overloaded our comparison table. It'S the next package we have to review and the obvious question will be, "What could possibly be worth that much money?" N2 is unique in providing, albeit in a host o...

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: April Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...April's challenging chart should have leaped off the page to any member of the energy trading complex. The weekly heating oil chart from July 1988 to January 1990 was indeed a unique opportunity to trade a panic. Action like this -- out of nowhere -- can make a pit hysterical....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: April Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Answers to April's Mystery Chart contest ("No chumps and Mystery Charts," Stocks & Commodities, April 1990) were pretty terse, although contestants had no trouble identifying the weekly heating oil price chart. The brevity may have been from the simplicity of the situation: a breakaway gap to the upside and the approach to support on the downside. The question was: What next?...

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: December Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...We're the first to admit December's Mystery Chart (Figure 1) was tough. We threw in too few hints and, since we used the Standard & Poor's index rather than the Dow, only four people came up with the 1982 stock market bottom, although thousands have begun their analyses from that turning point....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: First Mystery Charts Results

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In our first Mystery Chart contest, we were fascinated with the variety of ways traders looked at the same data. From pure chartcraft to Gann angles to spreads, readers hardly felt constrained in generating ideas for trading. We've summarized some of the most interesting here....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: January Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Chumps don't trade Teledyne, which was January's Mystery Chart (Figure 1). Brokers should accept no orders from anyone who isn't well-capitalized, well-connected or just as ornery as the other players. The window in Figure 2 itself shows what has happened since Teledyne's summer 1989 runup and, for perspective, Figure 3 is Teledyne'sThe weekly chart since 1986. The tumultuous action evident since last summer shows that Teledyne's character has hardly changed....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: July Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...All entrants save one for the July Mystery Chart correctly identified COMEX gold (variously, June and March) and most amazingly traded it correctly for the subsequent breakdown (Figure 1). Since the move was so dramatic, heavy emphasis was placed showing how the action before the break led to the break....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: June Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Yes, I suppose I gave away the June chart when I said it was a currency spread ( Figure 1). On the other hand, it turned out there were a lot of currency traders! Picking a winner this time was tough. There were no wrong entries and the quality of the trading was strong....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: March Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Mystery Chart in your March issue is a daily soybean chart from about May 15, 1979, to June 23, 1980. The chart depicts a low in April 1980, which preceded a seven-month rise of more than $2.00 a bushel. However, the moves in 1979 and 1980 were dwarfed by a 13-month decline (from November 1980 to December 1981), which carried beans down about $6.00 a bushel....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: May Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For the May Mystery Chart (Figure 1), I contrasted theperformance of two blue-chips headed, I said, in different directions despite their industry fundamentals. Which stocks were they and where would they be in a year....

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Mystery Charts Repetitive bottoming soybeans

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Mystery Charts S&C's "how-I-done-it" challenge

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A true technician loves a challenge and the formation highlighted above presents one. First, tell us what this is and when it occurred. Describe how it would have been traded by your discipline (charts, regression, breakouts and so on). We will judge the entries for accuracy and coherence, in the first part, and in consistency and success in the second part. The winner will receive a one-year subscription extension to Stocks & Commodities plus the title of Certified Technical Genius!...

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: November Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Our November Mystery Chart is a world-class stock index, the richest in the world. I'm giving this broad hint so you can readily load in the information necessary for your analysis, which will show us what we would have done on August 3, 1990, when the subject approached support (Figure 1, parts A and B) at the 29,000 level. Got that? 29,000!? We've included two Mystery Charts this time so that you can get a better look at the index in question....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: November Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Picking the winner for our first Mystery Chart (November 1989) was tough, since we received several great entries. But we had to choose, and finally, we settled on Greg Carnell's effective use of moving averages, momentum and divergence. A close second was John Fortune's straightforward analysis starting from the weekly charts and moving down to daily entry and exit signals. Both struck us as being logical, internally consistent and realistic....

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews MESA 3

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA) edged onto the trading scene several years ago, we (favorably) evaluated it over our previous choice for cyclical analysis, Fourier analysis. MESA was the first program that conveniently applied a better technique to price data in a manner that the average trader could comprehend....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: Reviews MetaStock-Professional 2.0

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...EQUIS INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 26743 Salt Lake City, UT 84126 (801) 974-5115 Product: Advanced-level technical analysis and profitability testing package. Equipment required: IBM PC/XT/ AT/PS2, 640K. Can use up to 1.8 MB of expanded memory (EMS LIM 4.0). CGA, EGA with 256K graphic memory, VGA. Two 720K floppies minimum but really needs a hard disk. Asynchronous communications adapter with Hayes modem or 100% compatible. PC or MS DOS 3.1 or higher. One of 150 supported dot matrix, ink jet or laser printers. You'll need about 900K disk space with sample data....

  • Stocks & Commodities V.8:14: September Mystery Charts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The winner for our September Mystery Chart (Orange Juice, Figure 1) was easy to determine: only two sturdy souls made the necessary predictions, though many recounted their work on the historical data. One person was right and one was wrong. Our newest Certified Technical Genius, whose work is below, is Eddy Mark of Toronto, Ontario (Figures 3 through 6). The runner-up, Dennis Krull of Citicorp Futures, Chicago, IL, had the direction right (south) but his entry would never have been hit in the subsequent action (Figure 7)....

Tracking Gold With Elliott and Gann

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