ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Chart Pattern Surprises by Thomas Bulkowski What chart patterns are really reliable, portending significant moves? This S&C author did some research,and we present the results from his survey of some 15,000 patterns. In exploring and answering questions about the stock data we follow and the technical tools we use, sometimes we make startling discoveries. These discoveries may help you improve your investment performance or just add to your general knowledge. I spent a year studying more than 15,000 chart patterns while I was working on my book, Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns . Of the dozens...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Nassim N. Taleb by John Sweeney Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a quantitative trader operating at the intersection of theory and practice. Currently president and head trader at Empirica Capital LLC, a hedge fund operator in Greenwich, CT, and adjunct professor of mathematics at the Courant Institute of New York University (NYU), Taleb has held senior derivative trading positions at Union Bank of Switzerland, CS ? First Boston, BNP ?Paribas, Credit Agricole ? Indosuez, and Bankers Trust; he was also a floor trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In 1997, Taleb stirred the incredulit...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to S&C The editors of S&C received, among others, letters discussing daytrading margin changes, planetary influences on the stock market, and John Ehler's article about adaptive trends and oscillators....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Squelch Those Whipsaws by John F.Ehlers What's real price movement and what's just noise? Figuring out the difference is vital, and here's an objective measure to help you out. Hey, good buddy! Ever operate a citizens' band (CB) radio? If you haven't, most CBs are relatively simple devices, usually with three controls: a channel selector, a volume control, and a squelch control. Squelch control is important to the operation of the radio because without it, there would be no way for the radio to distinguish between static noise and a real signal from a transmitter. Such a distinction can als...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Resource: Advisory Services Advisory services are all over the place, as this listing shows. You have plenty of choice and plenty of price points to consider. One key factor is whether the outfit you're checking out is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) or a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA). Though it doesn't weed out the foolish advice, the act of registration puts the person or persons under the government's scrutiny. In this listing, filled in by the companies themselves, you'll find RIAs and/or CTAs in the first part, with nonregistered advisories and other advisory...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips This month's selection of Traders' Tips include Omega Research Easy Language code for the Hilbert period, March issue; MetaStock, TradingSolutions' EasyLanguage, NeuroShell Trader, Byte Into The Marktet, and Technifilter Plus code for ""Squelch Those Whipsaws""; and WaveWi$e formulas to compute and chart fixed-length cycles....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trend-Following With The ADX by Martin Boot Have you ever been interested in a system, but weren't quite sure how it worked? Here's a simple and robust trend-following system using the ADX, with only one entry condition and one exit condition. To design and develop a sound trading system, we need a clear and logical basic idea. From this, we must derive proposed entry and exit points. A sound trading system must be robust; for the system to be as robust as possible, the idea must be as simple as possible. A robust system is one that behaves consistently in different markets; a robust system...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using Oscillators With On-Balance Volume by Carl F.Ehrlich On-balance volume, which was developed by technician Joe Granville in the 1960s, was the first technical study to project market price movement using volume. In the following decades, other technicians have attempted to improve on Granville's work. Here's a review of these different studies in accumulation and distribution, and a methodology to utilize them in a trading program. When Joseph Granville originally published A Strategy Of Daily Stock Market Timing For Maximum Profit in 1960, the work initially met with derision from the ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What You Need To Know About Gaps by Joe Luisi and Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Have you ever wondered what gaps are and why they occur? Here are the various types, examples - and an answer. Ever had an open position at the close one day, only to find that a significant change in price had occurred when the market opened the following trading day? These changes in price are referred to as gaps and are the result of some action that took place between the close and the next day's open. With the advent of 24-hour trading and extended-hours trading, it is not unusual to come across significant chang...