STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For SEP1993

  • Neural Network Development For Financial Forecasting by Lou Mendelsohn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Neural Network Development For Financial Forecasting by Lou Mendelsohn Extensive research has been conducted about the application of neural networks to financial forecasting in today's globalized trading environment. What makes this particular use of artificial intelligence so attractive to financial analysts and traders? Here, Lou Mendelsohn of Mendelsohn Enterprises highlights some of those issues and establishes goals for training neural networks. With the advancements being made in computer and telecommunication technologies today, the world's major economies and financial markets are ...

  • Rating Trend Strength by Tushar S. Chande

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Rating Trend Strength by Tushar S. Chande Here's a simple indicator of trend strength. It goes like this: A value of +10 signals an uptrend; a value of -10 signals a downtrend. Stocks & Commodities Contributing Editor Tushar Chande uses this simple rating system to help answer the eternal traders' question: Is the market trending? As you may have noticed, a number of rather complicated indicators are available to measure trend strength. None of these indicators, unfortunately, is perfect. You could use J. Welles Wilder's average directional index (ADX) as an indicator of trend strength, or ...

  • SIDEBAR: Calculating Bollinger Bands by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Calculating Bollinger Bands by Technical Analysis, Inc. Bollinger band formulas for an Excel spreadsheet....

  • SIDEBAR: Calculating an 11-period CCI by Thom Hartle

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Calculating an 11-period CCI by Thom Hartle Combining two classic indicators, the commodity channel index (CCI) and Bollinger bands, can be a potent timing tool for options trading. This author was inspired by John Bollinger's article ""Bollinger Bands"" from the 1993 S&C Bonus Issue to develop a way of using the CCI to confirm Bollinger bands' trading opportunities. His technique uses a new variation of the CCI, the dual CCI. Here's how to put the technique to work. By D.W. Davies...

  • SIDEBAR: PROTECTIVE STOPS by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...PROTECTIVE STOPS by Technical Analysis, Inc. Definitions of initial and trailing protective stops....

  • SIDEBAR: SELF-EVALUATION by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...SELF-EVALUATION by Technical Analysis, Inc. Testing your level of perfectionism....


    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...THE VERTICAL HORIZONTAL FILTER by Technical Analysis, Inc. Formula for the 28-day VHF (vertical horizontal filter)....

  • SIDEBAR: TRADING TACTICS IN DETAIL by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TRADING TACTICS IN DETAIL by Technical Analysis, Inc. Application of the Martingale system....

SIDEBAR: Trendscore

  • Tactical Trading Revisited by Roger Altman, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Tactical Trading Revisited by Roger Altman, Ph.D. How would the Martingale trading technique work with a trading system that does not assume that the market is a random walk but instead relies on its own system parameters to determine stop-loss points, entry and exit prices? Further, how would these strategies work with a standalone system with a win probability that is not 50/50?...

  • The Discerning Trader: Linda Bradford Raschke by Thom Hartle

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Discerning Trader: Linda Bradford Raschke by Thom Hartle Contrary to popular opinion, dreams can come true. For every trader who's wished that he or she could just stay home and trade, there's one trader who succeeded in doing so. Linda Bradford Raschke began her trading career in 1980 on the floor of the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange before moving to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. After six years of trading on the floor there, Raschke left to trade her own account from home. Eventually, her focus evolved into developing reliable technical patterns for generating trades and then followin...

  • The Inflation Indicator by John A. Lohman

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Inflation Indicator by John A. Lohman Former Amex trader John Lohman delves into an inflation indicator that leads the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by about six months. In 1992, technician John J. Murphy wrote a series of articles in STOCKS & COMMODITIES that detailed the interrelationships between markets and the importance of studying each market in the context of others. This concept, better known as intermarket analysis, is perhaps one of the simplest yet most useful means of comprehending and anticipating major shifts in the stock, bond and commodity markets. One of the driving forc...

  • The Perfect Trader by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D., and Jennifer Benson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Perfect Trader by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D., and Jennifer Benson What is a perfect trader and is such a condition desirable? Does such a creature exist? Psychologist Van K. Tharp of Investment Psychology Consulting says not and further, you're far more likely to succeed if you don't try to be perfect. E lmer was a perfectionist who was trying to develop a trading system that would win in nine out of 10 trades and would make five times as much money as he was risking on any given trade. When he first tried to develop such a system, he came up with something that was just profitable after commis...

  • Traders' Tips

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Neural Network Development For Financial Forecasting by Lou Mendelsohn Extensive research has been conducted about the application of neural networks to financial forecasting in today's globalized trading environment. What makes this particular use of artificial intelligence so attractive to financial analysts and traders? Here, Lou Mendelsohn of Mendelsohn Enterprises highlights some of those issues and establishes goals for training neural networks. With the advancements being made in computer and telecommunication technologies today, the world's major economies and financial markets are ...

  • Trading International Funds by Joe Duarte

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading International Funds by Joe Duarte How do you participate in the price movement of the international stock markets using an overseas mutual fund? The 1990s have become the true decade of market globalization as the world's governments and major industrial entities seek private capital to refinance debt accumulated during the 1980s. This almost insatiable desire for capital has both prolonged and increased the volatility of bull markets in stocks, bonds and currencies. With the advent of 24-hour trading, currency interactions and major global political shifts, most investors and trader...

  • Trading Options With Bollinger Bands And The Dual CCI by D.W. Davies

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Options With Bollinger Bands And The Dual CCI by D.W. Davies Combining two classic indicators, the commodity channel index (CCI) and Bollinger bands, can be a potent timing tool for options trading. This author was inspired by John Bollinger's article ""Bollinger Bands"" from the 1993 S&C Bonus Issue to develop a way of using the CCI to confirm Bollinger bands' trading opportunities. His technique uses a new variation of the CCI, the dual CCI. Here's how to put the technique to work. To trade options successfully, traders need to consistently and correctly predict three elements of t...

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