ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. Fibonacci For The Active Trader (221 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0972122974), by Derrik S. Hobbs, published by TradingMarkets. This book promises to teach you the author's favorite Fibonacci strategies for anticipating and potentially capturing the most significant turns in stocks, stock indices, and exchange-traded funds. A professional money manager, Hobbs applies seven principal Fibonacci strategies and shows you rules for trading each of them. . . Other new publications briefly described in this issue are: Investing Despite Wall Stre...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Calendar Ratio Backspread by Jeff Neal Would you be interested in a trading strategy that has limited risk, unlimited profit potential, is adjustment-friendly, and can profit in a sideways or breakout-type market? Of course you would! Here's a look at the calendar ratio backspread strategy. The calendar ratio backspread is an options strategy that can be constructed using either puts or calls, depending on the trader's directional bias. While the strategy may sound complex, using it is fairly simple. CALENDAR RATIO BACKSPREAD DEFINED As the name suggests, the calendar ratio backspread comb...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Charting The Market by David Penn TRENDLINES First job? first car? first love? There is always something to be said for what comes first. Even if your first job was as stimulating as manual labor on a Virginia plantation, your first car an always-broken-down clunker, and your first love a raving lunatic, it's still hard to forget the first. When it comes to technical tools and indicators, trendlines were "the first" technical tool for a sizable number of budding technical analysts. In fact, I suspect that most technicians can remember the first time they ever pulled up a price chart of some ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Diversification And Your Portfolio by Phil Abel Thinking about adding financial and commodity futures to your trading? Here's how it can improve profitability and reduce risk. Stockpicking can enhance a portfolio, but only to a certain extent. If you incorporate additional markets such as financial and commodity futures, it can substantially enhance performance and reduce risk. The trader or investor who has chiefly invested in stocks and has not yet considered the possibility of diversification into other markets may find adding financial and commodity futures to his or her portfolio a high...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. READERS' CHOICE AWARDS Editor, I sometimes see on the websites of some financial software a statement that they won a Readers' Choice Award from your magazine. I tried searching at your website,, for the listing but couldn't find it. Can you send me more information about your Readers' Choice Awards, or provide me with a link to see it? MASSIMO TANZI, via email, Italy ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Novice Trader's Notebook: Bollinger Bands by Amy Wu BOLLINGER BANDS Bollinger Bands were created by market technician John Bollinger. They are a branch of envelope analysis and use standard deviations in calculation instead of a fixed percentage. Bollinger Bands are displayed as three bands. The middle band normally consists of a moving average of 20 days. The upper band is derived by adding two standard deviations to the middle band. The lower band is found by subtracting two standard deviations from the middle band....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Post-Bubble Problems by David Vomund Identifying these post-bubble problems will help you make appropriate adjustments to your trading system. For the markets, these are extraordinary times. In the last five years we've experienced the largest equity bubble in US history, and also experienced a bear market comparable to the Great Depression. Technical analysis remains valid in the aftermath of the bubble, as market movement is still based on the laws of supply and demand. The bubble and the ensuing bear market does pose problems to many forms of analysis, however. In this article I will exp...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Predicting Prices With Support And Resistance by Thomas N. Bulkowski Support and resistance are important chart patterns. Read this to find out why. I consider support and resistance (SAR) the most important chart patterns. Why? By finding SAR, you can predict how far prices might climb and how far they might fall before you trade. Isn't that worth something? That's like a blackjack dealer sneaking a peek at the top card in the deck and telling you to take it because you'll win. Is he pulling your leg? Does support and resistance work? Let's find out. First, some definitions. Support occurs...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright SINCE YOU ASKED Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. To submit a question, post your question to our website at http:// Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in future issues of S&C. ROUND TRIPS Without the morning play, how many round trips do you execute in a day? I'm just trying to get a rough estimate for what I should be trading. Thanks for your help -- Chris Bushell This is r...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Serial Correlation Of One Rank by Norman J. Brown The one rank mutual fund switching technique is further enhanced using correlation. In two earlier articles, I demonstrated that the "one rank" (OR) switching technique depends on a low-value (less than 63) switching rate (S/Y), which in turn implies a longer than random up/down day streak period (more than four days). Here, I will investigate the methodology further, exploring enhanced streak periods using a well-known statistical method called correlation, implemented using Pearson's correlation coefficient, r (details are in the sidebar, "...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Shrinking From Opportunity by Adrienne Laris Toghraie Stretch your comfort zone of predictable patterns and look for your shot at the gold ring. Opportunity is all around us. True, occasionally it is a challenge to locate it, when conditions have changed or supply has temporarily shrunk and the competition for finite resources has increased. But even in the worst of circumstances, opportunity is always there. Since a trader's success depends upon finding opportunities and taking advantage of them, a serious problem exists if he or she loses the ability to identify and pursue opportunity. RE...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Resource by Technical Analysis, Inc. When investing with mutual funds, the issue is cost of all kinds. Sales charges, turnover costs (trading costs), tax costs, management fees, marketing costs, and cash-holding costs all eat into your returns; then the compounding effect magnifies your losses. It's critical to consider all of these costs when approaching mutual fund investing and do the appropriate research to make sure you are making the most of your investment. A family of low-cost, no-load funds that allows costless switching between funds can be very beneficial in the long run....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. This month's selection of tips includes: TradeStation, MetaStock, AmiBroker, eSignal,WealthLab, NeuroShell, NeoTicker, TradingSolutions, AIQ Expert Design Studio, Investor/RT, and Financial Data Calculator code for the ""Bull And Bear Balance Indicator"" by Vadim Gimelfarb....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: MoneyTec by David Penn MONEYTEC.COM The Internet revolution has brought many opportunities to the desktops and personal digital assistants of traders and investors of all types -- from novices looking for better ways to limit their exposure to equity downturns, to daytraders who survived both raging bull and agonizing bear markets, to market veterans who are finally forcing themselves to use any one of the many online, web-based charting services instead of plotting out all their price points by hand. But one of the more overlooked aspects of the Internet revolution is ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan STOCKALERTS.COM It's no surprise that this website is all about stock alerts. But given that just about every site that has something to do with the financial markets usually provides some sort of alert, what makes this site any different? Not much, except that it focuses just on alerts. Those who are interested in following the markets but are unable to keep their eyes glued to their screens during market hours may find the features of this site useful....