ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Is yearly seasonality something that is particular to the US stock market, or does it extend to other countries in the same way? Here's some research you can use to your advantage...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Use the unique relationship between the Nikkei Stock Average and the major US stock market indexes to predict short-term market turning points with the help of a spreadsheet--no skills in statistics required...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...As we continue with this series that explains step-by-step a set of techniques to use for trading--including the building of an expert system for automatic or semi-automatic trading--here, we look at a strategy where mechanical trading is based on a modified MACD indicator...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) is a well-known oscillator used to signal trend changes and indicate trend direction. Combining the stochastic oscillator and MACD allows you to define overbought/oversold MACD levels. Here's how to do it...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...After stocks take a dive, many investors flee into bonds. Does that pay off, or is it already too late by then? Let's find out...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Are you interested in learning more about using exchange traded funds (ETFs) in your trading? Leslie N. Masonson, an active ETF trader, is president of Cash Management Resources, a financial consulting firm that focuses on ETF strategies. He is the author of Buy-Don't Hold: Investing With ETFs Using Relative Strength To Increase Returns With Less Risk; and All About Market Timing, as well as Day Trading On The Edge. His website is, where he writes a weekly blog. To submit topics for future columns, reach him at
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Since 1990, Eric Wish, PhD, has been director of the University of Maryland College Park's Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR), where as a research psychologist, he has focused on drug abuse epidemiology. In addition, since 2006 he has taught courses on the stock market and technical analysis at the university. In 2005, Wish placed fifth in Barron's Stock Challenge, professors division, with a 30.8% return during the 2.5-month contest...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...As some chart patterns become more well known and as more people trade based on charts, have some patterns lost their reliability? Here is some research that could provide some answers, based on almost three decades of data...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The more technical signals that line up in your favor, the better the odds of making a successful trade. Here's an example of how to confirm a technical signal with another signal...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Have a question about system or algo trading? Kevin J. Davey is a full-time trader, and has over 25 years of system trading experience. Send your questions or topic suggestions to Kevin Davey at Selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. This month: What Is "Risk Of Ruin," And How Do I Avoid...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets. This month: Should Investors Allocate 25% Of Their Wealth To Gold...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Jay Kaeppel has over three decades of experience in the options markets. He was a head trader for a CTA firm, an options trading software developer, and is a portfolio manager for an investment management firm. This month: A Modified Risk-Reversal Option Trade...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Rob Friesen is a professional trader and president & COO of Bright Trading (, a proprietary trading firm hosting independent trader/members, an online trading school, and utilizing the StockOdds database ( This column shares his thoughts and outlooks on trading, locating opportunity, probabilistic outcome, and maintaining perspective throughout industry changes...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Vitali Apirine's article in this issue, "The Stochastic MACD Oscillator." Here, we present the November 2019 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwa...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES every month...