ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...CALL/PUT OPTIONS 2.0 Name of Program: Call/Put Options 2.0 Publisher: Harloff, Inc. Price: $499.00 Backup: Disk is protected, no backup provisions Hardware: APPLE II+, IIe or III in emulation mode. DOS 3.3 The Call/Put Options 2.0 Program has definite value for the trader who has decided to deal in the options markets. The program has some glaring faults, and some less important disadvantages are apparent, but overall the usefulness for the options trader outweighs these flaws. This program model was constructed by analysis of 2000 individual call and put options. Interest rates, divide...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Day Trading The Averages by JOHN F. KEPKA When Stock Index Futures trading with the Value Line contract was initiated at the Kansas City Board of Trade, futures traders suddenly gained the opportunity to trade the entire stock market. Large profitable moves became available, but along with them came the associated high risk, due to the increased daily price swings of the Dow Jones Industrials, S&P 500, NY Composite, Value Line, and the new S&P 100 Index. Trading by using daily High, Low and Closing prices can be very risky in a market where futures contracts can move $2500 or more in one day ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...FOURlER ANALYSIS! IN A NUTSHELL FASTER and BETTER by Anthony Warren Ph.D. For those individuals who are currently using Fourier Spectrum analysis, this article describes some techniques that make the analysis easier to perform and the spectral plots easier to interpret. (The reader may also want to review the January articles on Fourier Analysis 1 , or the May article on its use in selecting moving average parameters 2 .) Part I. of this article attempts to shed some light on the question, ""How many data points should I use for doing Spectrum Analysis?"". In a nutshell, the answer is that th...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Gold Stocks by RICHARD J. MATURI Can the average investor successfully participate in the gold market without knowing the intricacies of commodity trading, and without having to deal with the problems associated with owning precious metals? The answer is yes. The volatility of gold prices provide ample opportunity for substantial profits for the investor. During the past ten years, I have actively traded a NYSE gold mining stock, Benguet (BE), with great success. Benguet is a producer of gold, and the stock can be traded for its play on the price fluctuations of gold as well as giving the inv...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...RISK MANAGEMENT: The Square Root of Sharpe's, Stone's and Okham's Ratios by FRED S. GEHM One of the most important tasks of commodity market money managers is the measurement and control of risk. Currently, the most popular technique for measuring risk is Sharpe's ratio, named for financial theorist, William F. Sharpe. Despite its popularity (or perhaps because of it), Sharpe's ratio recently has received considerable criticism. For the trader it becomes important to ask, are these criticisms valid? And, if so, what alternatives are available? Sharpe's Ratio Sharpe's ratio (R) is defined as...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Market Direction Indicator Anticipating Moving Average Crossovers by DONALD R. LAMBERT Over the years, trading methods have evolved from the very simple (such as the CHANGCHENG BANFA or ""Great Wall Method,"" which dates back to the Orient of the 1700's), to Point and Figure, to numerous modern complex calculation methods. Despite all the modern techniques available, many traders still cling to their moving averages (and sometimes crossover) systems, and make money doing so, but unfortunately not as much money as they should. Since moving averages always lag behind actual price movements...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Psychology of the Decision Bee by JESSE H. THOMPSON A round the market ""hives"" buzz the forever listless market observers, the ""bees"". The hedgers, scalpers, brokers, analysts, traders, speculators, you and I. Within the general category of these ""bees"", there are two subclasses, the participants and the non-participants. some non-participant bees are temporarily so; they do not currently have a position, short or long, in the markets. Then there are the permanent non participants; those who never take positions in the market but are content to divine and impact the direction and ps...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...WHAT TEXTBOOKS NEVER TELL YOU by Jesse H. Thompson Post Pattern Activity Most texts on market form or activity describe certain price patterns that occur with great frequency; these texts also define the implications of these price patterns and their potential movement. Studying ""market habits"" as Jesse Livermore called them can be of great value to the analyst or trader who has the capacity to interpret them. Many of these market habits are widely known and commonly referred to, yet used in isolation they can prove deficient. A rule of thumb is: To validate the implications of any such pr...