STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For MAY2017

  • Moving Average Stochastic

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Two can be better than one. This momentum-based trading system uses two indicators and helps identify divergences and trends...

  • Reflecting On Price Mirrors

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Can we use prior price movement to predict the future? Where will price be a week or a month from now? Here is a simple technique that will give you an answer. I call it a price mirror...

  • The Edge In Chart Patterns, Part 2

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Part 1 of this article showed how you can use a trading system to define the edge that a chart pattern gives you. This concluding part will elaborate on three practical issues relating to this subject: market frictions, sample populations, and capital restrictions...

  • Detecting Swings

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...They're ubiquitous in price charts but how do you make sense of them? Here are four ways to help find price swings...

  • ETF Momentum Investing

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Are you interested in learning more about using exchange traded funds (ETFs) in your trading? Leslie N. Masonson, an active ETF trader, is president of Cash Management Resources, a financial consulting firm that focuses on ETF strategies. He is the author of Buy-Don't Hold: Investing With ETFs Using Relative Strength To Increase Returns With Less Risk; and All About Market Timing, as well as Day Trading On The Edge. His website is, where he writes a weekly blog. To submit topics for future columns, reach him at

  • The Alter Ego Of Swing Trading

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...With so much coverage of blue-chip companies coming from popular media channels, tweets, or social chat rooms, traders often overlook small-cap stocks, which provide wider spreads and more liquidity. Find out how to capitalize on them...

  • Market Maker Activity And Price Movement

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Can you predict the price movement of actively traded stocks based on the hedging activities of market makers? The results of these studies could help answer that question...

  • Interview: Deron Wagner and Rick Pedicelli On Swing Trading

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A former hedge fund manager, author of several swing trading books, and frequent guest speaker at various trading and investing conferences, Deron Wagner founded Morpheus Trading Group (MTG), a trading newsletter and education service, in 2002 to share swing trading strategies he learned on his personal journey to become a trader. Through the years, he found that a simple "no-nonsense" approach to technical analysis is an ideal method to trade the markets. Rick Pedicelli is the co-author of The Wagner Daily and has been working with Deron Wagner at Morpheus Trading since 2004. Prior to The Wag...

  • The Pernicious Effect Of The Loss Of Opportunity

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Oh, the money you could have made if you had stayed in the trade longer! We all know that feeling, and here are some steps you can take to overcome that pain...

  • Quick-scan: TC2000 Version 17

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Worden Brothers' TC2000 Version 17 software contains a myriad of distinct new features that make it stand out from every other market analysis software and from previous versions of TC2000. Also available is the TC2000 Brokerage, Inc., a separate company from Worden Brothers, Inc., affiliated through common ownership. TC2000 Brokerage, Inc. is a member of FINRA/SIPC...

  • Consolidation Channel Breakouts

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When price trends between two parallel trendlines it is said to form a channel, and a consolidation channel is a sideways action where price is in a trading range. This month, this professional trader describes what to look for to have the best chances of success when trading breakouts from this pattern...

  • Q&A

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Rob Friesen, president & COO of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. This month: Strategies For Periods Of Low Volatility...

  • Futures For You

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets. This month: Trading On Margin...

  • Explore Your Options

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Tom Gentile started his trading career on the floor of the American Stock Exchange in 1994. He has appeared on many financial TV and radio shows, as well as hosting a weekly talk show himself, and has co-authored many books on the markets. He can be found at This month: The Ratio Backspread...

  • Traders' Tips

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Domenico D'Errico's article in this issue, "Detecting Swings." Here, we present the May 2017 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwa...

  • Opening Position

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How the tide turns? When something doesn't go as expected, especially after it's been hyped, it raises doubts in the minds of the general populace. And when that general populace happens to be pretty much the entire world, then you can expect some noticeable changes in how people think...

  • Futures Liquidity

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES every month...

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