ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The following selection of book descriptions represents a sampling of recent book releases in the investing field....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...With the explosion of exchanges around the world and the increasing poaching of products between exchanges, traders should be aware of all the places where trading opportunities occur....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Tom Gentile is the chief options strategist at Optionetics (, an education and publishing firm dedicated to teaching investors how to minimize their risk while maximizing profits using options. To submit a question, post it to our website at Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. Contributing analysis is by senior Optionetics strategist Chris Tyler....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex traders need a successful strategy made up of components that allows them to be flexible and effective in changing market conditions. Here's one way to find it....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Learning how to read the swings within the swings and understanding how much energy is available in these time frames are keys to survival in today's markets. Here's how you can apply an obscure indicator and plain, old-fashioned price action to anticipate market movements....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities every month....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The editors of S&C invite readers to submit their opinions and information on subjects relating to technical analysis and this magazine. This column is our means of communication with our readers....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Ever since we saw the Dow hit 13,000, the true character of the markets has revealed itself. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) broke above this level, we saw optimism in the markets....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In this, the second part of this series, find out how to construct a spreadsheet to help reveal profitable opportunities in pair trades....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. To submit a question, post your question to our website at Answers will be posted there, and selected questions....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Understanding the difference between momentum, velocity, and volatility in price and volume patterns will improve trading results for swing traders. Here's an in-depth look....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sy Harding publishes the financial website Street Smart Report Online and a morning blog three times a week at In 1999 he published the book Riding The Bear: How To Prosper In The Coming Bear Market, in which he correctly predicted the worst bear market since the 1930s was right around the corner. The 2000?02 bear market, in which the Standard & Poor's 500 lost 50% of its value and the NASDAQ lost 78%, began just a few months later. His latest book is Beat The Market The Easy Way: Surprising Seasonal Strategies That Double The Market's Performance....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here's an indicator that measures extreme bullishness and bearishness and helps you identify a change in sentiment....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In the high-risk trading world, we are confronted with fear, greed, and hope. Understanding why may help us embrace some of our emotional shortcomings and incorporate them into our trading....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Thinkorswim (TOS) by TD Ameritrade is software you can use with a number of different devices such as an iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, PC, touch iPod, or Apple Macintosh to trade stocks, stock options, futures, currency, spread orders, or future options....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Jigsaw Trading said it had completed its suite of tape reading and order book analysis tools, adding that showing the orders executed alongside the limit orders in the book gave perspective on the trade flow and the ability of market orders to consume liquidity....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Walid Khalil's article in this issue, ""Sentiment Zone Oscillato...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The July 2009 issue of Stocks & Commodities featured a review of the VectorVest RealTime program. Now, with the release of VectorVest 7, the same user-friendly platform is available for end-of-day and intraday subscribers as well as real-time users. This Quick-Scan focuses on some of the new features that subscribers will find in VectorVest 7....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...S&C Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan continues her look at eSignal 11....