STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For MAY2003

  • Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? Winning With The Market ? 12 Simple Technical Indicators That Really Work ? Crash Profits: Make Money When Stocks Sink And Soar! ? Currency Trading: How To Access And Trade the World's Biggest Market ? The Handbook Of Risk ? Investment Philosophies: Successful Strategies And The Investors Who Made Them Work ? Monte Carlo Risk Analysis And Due Diligence Of New Business Ventures ? The Psychology Of Trading: Tools And Techniques For Minding The Markets ? Single Stock Futures: An Investor's Guide ? When Supertraders Meet Kryptonite ? Co...

  • Charting The Market by David Penn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Charting The Market by David Penn Here's a sample MICEX chart showing some news events in 2002 and accompanying market shifts. Coincidence? You decide....

  • Choosing The Right Time Frame by Hal Masover

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Choosing The Right Time Frame by Hal Masover Using multiple time frames has many benefits, but which ones work for you? A friend once described his perspective on time frames: "People have different definitions of ?long term,' ?short term,' and ?intermediate term.' For me, ?short term' is when I get on the phone with my broker and get in and out of a trade before I hang up. ?Intermediate term' is when I get into a trade, hang up, then call right back and get out. A long-term trade might be when I get into a trade, get off the phone, go to the bathroom, come back, call the broker, and get out...

  • Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile STOCK OPTIONS AND SPLITS I was wondering what happens to stock options when the underlying stock splits. Does the call's strike price go down? An example would really help me out -- James Kramer When the underlying issue splits, so do the options. For example, if you own a January 50 call on stock XYZ when the stock splits 2-for-1, you will own two January 25 calls post-split. Sometimes, stocks will have a fractional split, such as a 3-for-2, in which case you will own three options for every two you owned prior to the split. A word of caution when trading...

  • Interview: Ian Gordon by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Ian Gordon by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan If this recession seems like it's going on forever, Ian Gordon of The Long Wave Analyst newsletter will give you good news and bad news. First, the good news: It won't last forever. The bad news: It's going to hurt a lot more before it gets better. The good news: More likely than not it will only happen once in your lifetime. The bad news: The same goes for that phenomenal bull market that just passed. And Gordon has more to say, including warnings about the probable collapse of the worldwide economy. Ian Gordon was educated in England. He att...

  • Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Anaylsis, Inc. DAYTRADING QQQ Editor, I found the article "Daytrading QQQ" in the March 2003 STOCKS & COMMODITIES to be quite misleading. In the latter part of the article, author Misha Sarkovich suggests taking advantage of the low probability of the QQQ falling outside a daily price range of +/- 2.5% from the open. For the +2.5% case, the probability is stated to be approximately 30%, which I confirmed with my own testing. However, the basis for the daily high technique is described in the false statement: "If the prices increase 2.5% from the open, there is a ...

  • Making Sense Of Fractals by Erik Long

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Making Sense Of Fractals by Erik Long What is chaos? Here's a tool you can use to trade on the cutting edge of chaos and fractal theory. haos is evident just about everywhere: in lightning, weather patterns, earthquakes, and financial markets, to name only a few. It may seem to appear in a random fashion, but it doesn't. In a nutshell, chaos is a nonlinear, dynamic system that appears to be random but actually is a higher form of order. When you are studying the markets, complexity is the point at which the transition to chaos takes place. That should be the focus of your interest. Order an...

  • Novice Trader's Notebook by Amy Wu

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Novice Trader's Notebook by Amy Wu ON-BALANCE VOLUME First developed by Joe Granville and published in his text New Strategy Of Daily Stock Market Timing For Maximum Profits, on-balance volume (OBV) is a momentum indicator that relates volume to price change. Specifically, the on-balance volume keeps tabs on the running total of volume that is flowing in and out of a security. For instance, if the price of a security closes higher than the close of the previous day, it's up volume. Likewise, when the security's price closes lower than the previous day, it's down volume....

Opening Position by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

  • Q&A by Don Bright

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright FILLING ORDERS I have found your Q&A column to be the most helpful feature of STOCKS & COMMODITIES since I subscribed, and I look forward to it every month. Hopefully with your experience and knowledge you will be able to answer my question. I placed a short sale order of 400 shares of HDI five minutes into the open (9:35:33) on October 3, 2002, with my Internet broker. It was a limit order at 47.63. At 9:36:05 the bid-ask was 47.50? 47.71, last trade at 47.61. Shouldn't my short order of 47.63 show up? (I use eSignal and refer to time and sales data.)...CONTINUDED...

  • Time And Money Charts by Stuart Belknap, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Time And Money Charts by Stuart Belknap, Ph.D. Interested in a universal price display? This might be the ticket. Whether you use indicators, automated setup and signal rules, or any other method, before opening or closing positions you probably read charts to identify patterns, interpret indicators, and apply line studies. Hence, your price display should be as helpful as possible. Your charts should clarify the development and repetition of patterns, cycles, and trends. They should accurately display relative price moves, gains, and losses. Most important, your charts should provide a func...

Traders' Resource: Traders' Advisory Services

  • Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software, all to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in some of the articles in this issue. Internet users will also find these and most previous Traders' Tips at our website at To locate the various tips, use our site's search engine or click on the STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine icon on the left-hand side of our homepage, then scroll down to the "This month in S&C" section on the left-hand side and...

  • Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Uncommon Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski Some bullish chart patterns are rare, and some are simply not well known. Read this to find out about both. A few months ago, I received e-mail from someone asking about identification techniques for chart patterns. I suggested the e-mailer could buy one of my books, but short of a brain transplant, I could do little else. This article addresses the identification problem by highlighting guidelines for some lesserknown bullish chart patterns. BROADENING FORMATIONS, RIGHT-ANGLED AND DESCENDING In Figure 1 you see a right-angled, descending, broade...

WM: Most Of What You Need To Know About Technical... by Matt Blackman

  • Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan CHARTPATTERNS.COM The URL itself sends visions of triangles, flags, wedges, rectangles, and head & shoulder patterns dancing through your head. But do you really know what these patterns mean and how you can use them for trading? If you don't, or if you are simply curious to learn more about them, Kevin Matras's site is a place where you can find plenty of information. Not all patterns are covered on this site. It's mainly focused on symmetrical triangles, ascending triangles, descending triangles, head & shoulders, wedges, ...

  • Websites For Traders: by David Penn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by David Penn FINANCIALSENSE.COM Who is Jim Puplava? Among other things, Puplava is the man behind Financial Sense Online, a website that serves as a gateway to Puplava's investment advisory and money management firm, Puplava Financial Services. The site also features his talk show, Financial Sense Newshour, and a sizable set of essays, articles, and interviews by and about some of the most "outside the box" thinkers and writers on economics and finance today. Robert Prechter of Elliott Wave International, Doug Noland of Prudent Bear, and Marc Faber ...

  • Which Strike Is Best? by Ihor Vysotskyy

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Which Strike Is Best? by Ihor Vysotskyy Here's a method for selecting advantageous options. Purchasing call options is often considered to be the simplest strategy when it comes to trading options. The method is based on the assumption that when the price of the underlying financial instrument goes up, the call option will also rise, generating a profit. However, this is not always the case. Most beginners in the options market start out by purchasing a call option, but are disappointed when they discover they have been misled into believing no risk is involved. Instead of profits, they exp...

Working Money: Elliott Waves In C by David Penn

Working Money: Using Relative Strength by Steve Watkins

Working Money: Working In An Exponential World by Brian Bell

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