ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A DJIA Long-Term Momentum Indicator by Jay Kaeppel Picking the tops and bottoms of the market has always been the dream of traders. Is it necessary, though? Here are the results of using a long-term momentum indicator based on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). With powerful personal computers and abundant price data now commonly available, many stock market professionals - and even nonprofessionals - are focusing more and more on capturing profits from short-term trading. With many new traders in particular, the goal seems to be anticipating and pinpointing market tops or bottoms. Fo...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Thomas R. DeMark by Thom Hartle Thomas R. DeMark has been called ""the ultimate indicator and systems guy"" with the publication of his well-received book, The New Science of Technical Analysis. Who is he and what has he done that deserves such accolades? Stocks & Commodities interviewed DeMark about his trading philosophies and how he explored the frontiers of technical analysis using basic techniques. Q: When did you first get interested in the markets? A: I first got interested when I was a junior in college and a professor I admired introduced me to the markets. Then, after ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forecasting T-Bill Rates With A Neural Net by Milam Aiken Have you ever wondered how accurate the consensus estimates of interest rates were from the top US economists? How about how accurate those economists are in comparison with neural net technology? A recent Forbes magazine article noted that three-month Treasury bill futures more accurately predict interest rates a year in advance than do forecasts made through annual surveys of approximately 50 of the nation's top economists. In addition to being more accurate, these forecasts were more readily available because data on T-bill futures...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Making the Titanic Fly by Dennis Meyers The Titanic syndrome is a stock market timing system built on various stock market indicators. As with all trading systems, additional refinements are possible on the original. Here, then, is one trader's double set of modifications on the original Titanic syndrome system. The Titanic syndrome system, which was originally formulated by the late Bill Ohama, caught my attention because of the title and theory behind it. Ohama introduced the system in STOCKS & COMMODITIES and then detailed his buy and sell criteria for the Titanic syndrome system in a 199...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...NYSE Tick Index and Candlesticks by Tim Ord The tick index may appear to be one of the simplest of market indicators, but it also offers insight into market psychology. As a stand-alone indicator, the tick index has its place in the technician's toolbox, but combining the tick index with candlestick charting, another technical method for spotting changes in market trends, creates a potent combination. A wealth of information waits to be discovered in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) tick index. Its strong suit is its simple calculation. At any point, this index represents the number of st...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Promising The Result by Ari Kiev, M.D. Overcome psychological impediments to your trading. This psychiatrist discusses how to maximize trading performance by committing to specific financial results. The greatest resistance I run into when working with traders concerns commitment to specific financial objectives. Most traders seem to prefer pursuing vague goals such as ""doing the best possible."" Like most people, traders are reluctant to commit themselves to an uncertain future without guarantees. It takes a while, if ever, for them to see that promising the future will raise their level o...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sidebar: Profit Objectives and Sequential System The classic form of chart analysis incorporates a method to project profit objectives after a trendline is penetrated. Along those lines, Tom DeMark developed three methods to identify profit objectives after the penetration of TD demand or supply lines. The methods are known as TD price projectors and the objectives are based on DeMark's observation that the difference between the extreme low price and the TD supply line is duplicated once the market has penetrated the TD supply line....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sidebar: The candlestick method The candlestick chart can be used to interpret the movement of markets from intraday out to a monthly chart format. This sidebar provides an illustration of the candlestick body....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Sidebar: TradeStation code Here's the code for flying the titantic for tradestation 3.01. Anyhting between the curly brackets {.....} is a comment statement and doesn't have to be typed in....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips You can test the range breakout trading system discussed in Alex Saitta's article, ""Range breakout trading in Treasury bonds,"" in the April 1995 STOCKS & COMMODITIES using MetaStock, and the flying Titanic syndrome of ""Making the Titanic fly"" is implemented in the TechniFilter Plus strategy....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Multiple Time Frames by Gene Carey Waiting until the end of the day for a trading signal may be an unnecessary delay for your trading system. How can we get around it? Here's one trader's method of improving a system by using more than one time period for market signals. Using different time frames in developing a computerized trading system can increase your profits substantially, whether you're a short-term or long-term trader. Some traders still visually analyze different time frames of data to spot familiar patterns, but others have learned that using a personal computer to perf...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using a Covered-Call Options Strategy by Lawrence Serven What can investors do to overcome adverse market conditions? You could try using a covered call strategy. This strategic planner and analyst recounts a series of trades he executed using a covered-call options strategy in a high-technology stock. At the start of 1994, Intel Corp. (INTC) was an analyst's dream. The microchip maker was the undisputed leader in a high-growth industry. The company had an astonishing record of increasing revenue and improving earnings on a quarter to quarter, year to year basis. The company produced these r...