STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For MAY1987

  • A complete computer trading program part 3 by John F. Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A complete computer trading program part 3 by John F. Ehlers This is the third of four articles that give a description and BASIC computer program listing enabling you to perform technical analysis on your Apple ][ computer. In the first two installments of this series, we started with a data read program and added a plotting program for the high, low and close of prices. This article will add to that program, enabling you to plot and superimpose moving averages and the Parabolic system over the price history. Adding Listing I to your current plotting program is very easy. Simply LOAD the p...

  • Cycles and chart patterns by Anthony F. Herbst

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Cycles and chart patterns by Anthony F. Herbst Many who analyze price charts of stocks or commodities recognize that cycles influence the patterns they observe. But few carry this insight through the logical steps that could mean better trade timing. The steps that I am referring to are the isolation, synthesis, (re)combination, and projection of cycles. The steps involved in the isolation and validation of cycles in data are beyond the scope of this article. Indeed, many articles in Stocks & Commodities have dealt with the topic and others will continue to do so. There is also the Foundatio...

  • Enhanced Williams %R by Robert J. Kinder, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Enhanced Williams %R by Robert J. Kinder, Jr. The Enhanced Williams %R Index on Volume and Price (EWRVP) is based on the original %R oscillator constructed by Larry Williams. The original %R . considers only changes in price, while the Enhanced Williams %R Index on Volume and Price reacts to changes in price, volume and the current state of the market....

  • How to spot takeover candidates by Norman S. Wei

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How to spot takeover candidates by Norman S. Wei The shares of Celanese Corp. were trading at 218-1/2 at the close of Oct. 31. They shot up to a high of 247-1/2 on Nov. 3 and closed at 242-1/2--an increase of $24 per share! Integrated Software's stock jumped from 9 to 12- 1/4 over-night on Nov. 3. In late February 1986, Western Airlines' stock jumped from 8-7/8 to 12-1/4 within a week. These were all takeover or merger candidates. Celanese agreed to merge with American Hoechst Corp. for $245 per share. Computer Associates International Inc. acquired Integrated Software for 12-3/8 a share in ...

In this Issue by John Sweeney, Associate Editor

  • Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. COMMENTS Editor, In response to your editorial in the March issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, I would like to offer a few comments and suggestions. I enjoy your magazine very much, but I think it could be improved. I would like to see more articles describing new or improved trading systems and indicators. The mathematics should be described in cook-book fashion and an example given. This way everyone would understand exactly how to calculate the indicator or system. A table should be included showing date and exact price when buy and sell signals we...

  • Market Analyzer PLUS by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Market Analyzer PLUS by Technical Analysis, Inc. Dow Jones & Company, Inc., P.O. Box 300, Princeton, NJ 08543-0300 Phone: Mark Fischer (609) 520-4641 Erin Rodgers (609) 520-4642 Customer Service: (800) 257-5114 Price: $449 Hardware: IBM PC/XT/AT or AT&T PC 6300, Tandy 1000, 1200 or 3000, 2 DSDD floppies or better, 300-2400 baud Hayes or true Hayes compatible modem, monochrome or color monitor, CG or EGA card, Epson FX or MX compatible printer, DOS 2.0+ or MSDOS 2.11. This package will use about 640K of storage on a hard disk, plus space for data. Ratings: Ease of Use: B Documentation: A Re...

  • RSI profitability with money management by Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...RSI profitability with money management by Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille In the April 1987 issue of this magazine, we reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, Williams' %R, Wilder's Relative Strength Index, and Wilder's Directional Movement Index to Eurodollar futures traded at the International Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In the April article and this one, we report simulated trading of the 1983-1985 March, June, September and December contracts for the period of Dec. 2, 1982, through Dec. 1, 1985. Simulations were conducted on the nearby con...

  • Refining chart analysis Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 10 by Jack K. Hutson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Refining chart analysis Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 10 by Jack K. Hutson At this point in our examination of Richard D. Wyckoff's methodology for stock market analysis, we have explored all of the major tenets of this classic technique--from basic charting to the more esoteric consideration of trendlines, position sheets and chart interaction. Now, we are ready to pursue the technical refinements which distinguish slapdash amateurs from proficient and effective traders and investors. If this is your beginning foray into technical analysis, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all...

  • Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets by John Sweeney

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets by John Sweeney Author: John J. Murphy Publisher: New York Institute of Finance 70 Pine Street New York, NY 10270 (212) 344-2900 Price: $45 plus $2 shipping (U.S. only) Mr. Technician, John Murphy, has written a book to meet the need for a ""good solid text that [begins] at the beginning and [takes] the reader through most of the important areas of technical analysis as they [apply] to the futures markets in a logical, step-by-step fashion...."" This is a tall order, given the disparities in the many approaches taken to technical analysis....

  • The Big Hitters by Dr. Alexander Elder

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Big Hitters by Dr. Alexander Elder Author: Kevin Koy Publisher: Intermarket Publishing 401 S. La Salle Chicago, IL 60605 Price: $26.95 ""The rich are different from you and me,"" wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald during the Roaring Twenties. At that time, Bernard Baruch was swinging deals on the New York exchange, R.N. Elliott was still keeping railroad accounts in Chile and most of today's big traders had not yet been born. The Great Gatsby's author shared in the common misconception that the rich are a breed apart and have a secret trick for making money....

  • Tools for thinking traders: MicroVest's Steven Kille

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Tools for thinking traders: MicroVest's Steven Kille Successful software development was nowhere in Steven Kille's life plan when he headed off to Western Illinois University for a master's degree in economics. Computer programming, in fact, wasn't even on the agenda. But when his mother presented him with a Franklin computer, the now 28-year-old founder of MicroVest discovered an unrivaled addiction in programming. He wrote his first technical trading program as an teaching assistant to Dr. Thomas Drinka, associate professor at Western's Department of Agriculture. By graduation, Kille had d...

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