STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For MAR1987

  • A complete computer trading program (part 1) by John F. Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A complete computer trading program (part 1) by John F. Ehlers This is the first of four articles that give a description and computer listing, enabling you to perform technical analysis with your computer. In the second article I will cover the basics of reading data from a standard format and plotting price history on a graph. The third article will allow you to selectively plot moving averages and J. Welles Wilder's Parabolic System over the price history. The fourth and concluding article will give the computer listings to calculate Commodity Channel Index (CCI), Directional Trend Indicat...

  • Assessing Risk On Wall Street by Robert W. Hull

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Book Review: Thomas A. Rorro's Assessing Risk on Wall Street. By Robert W. Hull Thomas A. Rorro Sobaro Publishing Company, 1984 Price: $17.95 (202 pages) Thomas A. Rorro's book, Assessing Risk on Wall Street , is indeed a bridge between the investment communities' personalized approach to the market on the one hand, and the theory of investments as presented in the academic literature on the other. He combines his own particularly well-thought-out approach to risk and return, using methodology found in the academic literature, to finally arrive at a practical method of assessing the financia...

  • Changing tides in the investment software market by Thomas A. Rorro

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Changing tides in the investment software market by Thomas A. Rorro Remarkably, the investment software industry is on the threshold of a major transition. In the near future, it will no longer be economical to buy investment software. Instead you will be dialing up and renting the capability from one of the national timesharing services. Even today, we see the genesis of these changes. They are beginning slowly at first but the economics are such that the tide must sweep the marketplace. To explore the issues which surround the investment software industry, let us consider the techniques de...

  • DJIA/NYSE Auto/Cross-Correlations by Frank Tarkany

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...DJIA/NYSE Auto/Cross-Correlations by Frank Tarkany This article investigates auto/cross-correlations for the weekly Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) price close and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) total volume from January 9, 1897 to December 27, 1985. Using the correlation coefficient and chi-square statistic, I discovered an almost random relationship between price and volume. This confirms my previous research (Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, October/November 1986)...

In This Issue John Sweeney, Associate Editor

  • In search of the cause of cycles by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In search of the cause of cycles by Hans Hannula, Ph.D. People have, for centuries, noticed cycles in many things, including the stock market. My own interest in cycles and their application to the market began in the early 1970s, when I read Dewey and Mandino's Cycles, The Mysterious Forces That Trigger Events and Hurst's The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing. Since then, I have studied cycles and used them regularly in my trading. My greatest successes have been in using them to call the 1982 and 1984 market bottoms. While cycles have been a practical tool for me, I have always been ...

Letters To S & C

  • Profitability of selected technical indicators: Silver by Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Profitability of selected technical indicators: Silver by Thomas P. Drinka and Steven L. Kille In previous issues of this magazine, we reported the results of applying moving averages, momentum, %R, and Relative Strength Index (RSI) to Chicago Board of Trade corn and long-term U.S. Treasury bond futures. The formulas and use of these popular technical indicators were reviewed. In this issue, we report similar information for Commodity Exchange of New York (COMEX) silver. Trading was simulated on the 1981-1985 March, May, July, September, and December contracts. The simulations were conducted...

  • SIDEBAR: How digital filters work by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...SIDEBAR: How digital filters work by Technical Analysis, Inc. Filters are tools for ""tuning into"" parts of the total energy contained in an information stream. For example, all of the information transmitted on the AM radio stations near you arrives at your car radio. If you tried to listen to it all, you would hear a terrible, useless din. But with your radio's dial, you can adjust the ""center frequency"" of the radio's filter, and select the one station you want to hear. In essence, the filter operates as an electronic door, which can be slid along the dial, letting some of the energy th...

  • SWEENEY AGONISTES by John Sweeney

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...SWEENEY AGONISTES by John Sweeney I must start off this issue with an apology. In the November 1986 issue, Frank Tarkany published evidence of non-randomness and serial dependence in Dow Jones prices. The Figure 7 we published, which estimated the trading windows at confidence levels from 95% to 99.5% was just a repeat of Figure 6. Below is the correct Figure 7. Frank's article, which defines the time horizon within which we may reasonably expect to define effective trading strategies, clearly deserved far better treatment. Once again, my apologies for this error. Recently revived is the Fou...

  • Wyckoff in action (part 2) by David Weis

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Wyckoff in action (part 2) by David Weis In Part 1 of this article (S&C, June 1986), we recognized at point #12 (Figure 1) that large operators were accumulating bonds prior to an upswing. The conservative point-and-figure count AB (Figure 2) indicated potential for a move to 63-28. Long positions were recommended for the opening on April 8 with protective sell stops placed beneath the low at #10. The following discussion dissects the volume/price behavior during the subsequent mark-up and distribution phase that evolved over a 13-day period. April 8. June bonds open at 61-11 before moving t...

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