ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Analyzing Risk/Reward Tradeoffs by Fred S. Gehm These days, more and more potential traders are avoiding the day-to-day problems of commodity trading by committing their funds to professional money managers. For many, perhaps most, this is a reasonable decision, although unfortunately it does not solve all of their trading problems. Deciding to use a money manager only replaces the many difficult and important problems of trading with a few very difficult and very important problems. The most obvious and most important problem is that of selecting a money manager in the first place. With sev...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Computers in the Futures Industry by William T. Taylor The futures industry, like other investment-oriented industries, relies heavily on information. For years, exchanges have used the computer for price recording and data gathering as well as for accounting. Computer technology has brought price data to thousands of traders through various quotation services. In fact, the computer can bring a trader so much data that there is virtually no way a human being could possibly absorb the data and transform it into information in time to be useful. Notice, I'm making a distinction between data an...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...FIBONACCI FORECAST EXAMPLES by Tucker J. Emmett I have a system that I use, with great success, for making short and long term predictions for various segments of the futures market. Recently, I have been asked repeatedly for more descriptive information concerning my system and techniques, and this article is my reply. In it, I will first briefly describe the theory, and then devote most of the article to examples of the proper application of my own Fibonacci techniques. These techniques I have researched over the past ten years and have tested empirically in the futures markets. I will high...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Dear Jack: I enjoy the publication very much. Please find enclosed renewal. I look forward to articles on Maximum Entropy. Please include a program on this that will run on Compu-Trac, if possible. Would you also consider an article and a program on equivolume charting? Your programs on the disk run very well and are very useful. Please let me know how I can modify TRIX #40 (STUDY.40) so it will run without user inputs so I can use it in procedures. I want to put the inputs right into the program. Thanks for the help, D.D.H. Redwood Falls, MN Dear D.D.H., The Maximum Entropy computer p...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Novice Speculator by John Sweeney Bill Wyckoff suggested I write this--not personally, of course, since he's long out of print. He just noted in Wall Street Ventures and Adventures Through Forty Years that writing and publishing The Ticker was a terrific way of learning about his market (the stock market). I can take a hint. I decided to write about growth. After all, nine months of full-time speculation have given me more growing pains than I ever thought possible. It occurred to me that a careful documentation of my path might be valuable to others as well as to me. That this would probably...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Optimizing the Maximum Entropy Method by Anthony W. Warren, PhD This article is the second in a series on the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) and its use in technical analysis for short data length spectrum estimation and short term forecasting. In the first article (January 1984 issue of T.A.) we introduced the main ideas behind MEM and illustrated the relationship between the MEM order or number of days used in MEM forecasts, and the resolution in the spectrum. In the following article we discuss the critical process of optimizing the MEM fit coefficients to obtain reliable models for spectrum...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Price, Action and Resistance by Jesse H. Thompson Origin, History and Recent Price Action We can not obtain a full account of the ""present position"" (price potential), of any given stock or commodity without a review of its recent price origins, price history and price action. And a wider perspective is possible only by considering a greater time frame than is normally provided in the limited space of most chart services. Hence, the great value in keeping your own longer term charts on each vehicle you monitor. The cycles of supply and demand are characteristically shorter for commodities...