ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Anatomy of a Trade by JACK K. HUTSON All you have to do to be successful is follow the advice you give to others. -- The Scottish Rite Torch. WEEDING OUT THE TRASH During a daily course of market review we produce a number of computer studies to supplement our chart and fundamental rumor collection. These daily studies are augmented by a more thorough weekly look at the past price movement over a great length of time. From this weekly detail review of historical daily land weekly) price change we determine which markets are in an advantageous trading position. For example, in the commoditie...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Cyclic Timing by JOHN HERRICK The concept of cyclic timing can be applied to most charting systems, including the most sophisticated analytical systems; such as, oscillators. It is not adaptable to the Swing Vector System, because the passage of time is not laid out horizontally on that kind of chart. I urge you to give this new concept a fair test. I have discovered that cyclic timing will eliminate almost all signals that do not produce profitable moves. This concept has the probability of improving any charting system that produces graphic buy and sell signals. Those of us who have used ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...GANN by CURTIS ARNOLD The system I am going to demonstrate is based on some of W.D. Gann's works. For those of you who are not familiar with Gann, he was a legendary stock and commodity trader who purportedly made over 50 million dollars in the markets using his unique mathematical trading techniques. The trading method I have developed is based on two of Gann's most basic tools--his 1´1 or 45 degree angle and his trend line indicator. Refer to examples 1 and 2. Angles can be used to determine the strength of the market from a previous top or bottom. The 45 degree angle or 1´1 as Gann called...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Gold: Bull or Bear Market? by JESSE H. THOMPSON How to use a monthly swing chart to determine major trend. Before you attempt to answer the question, it is imperative to first define which trend you consider to be the greater trend. For in the crosscurrents of markets exist several trends coexisting over variable time periods. To one person an upmove lasting several days is a bull market while to another the very same move is considered a normal corrective rally within an ongoing bear market of longer duration in time. Therefore, first determine what you define as a bonified bull or bear mar...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In This Issue With this issue we have reached a minor milestone in our magazine size. Our third time out Technical Analysis is exactly two times the original sample issue size. Starting with the May issue we will be soliciting commercial advertising to help offset our publishing costs. The addition of this income base will allow us to expand and improve the magazine format. We are happy to introduce a number of new authors to our pages in this issue. Tim Slater of CompuTrac and IntraDay Analyst gives us an update of the IntraDay Analyst software package. Curtis Arnold with Martin D. Weiss Re...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to Technical Analysis Dear Jack: I'm having a problem with the new Fourier disk you just sent out. All goes well until it's time for the COMMAND LINE to appear. Instead of the COMMAND LINE I just get a blank cursor and the system hangs. I collect my data from CSI using their new Quicktrieve disk. Could that be the problem? I use CompuTrac for my analysis. --E R., Malibu, California...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Personal Computers The computer is no longer just a large, complex, expensive object that major corporations blame when they screw up your order. Thanks to the miracle of electronics, today's computer is a large, complex, expensive object that you can have in your own home. If you read your major trend-spotting magazines such as Time and Newsweek, you know that in recent years virtually every man, woman, and child in the United States has bought a personal home computer. You constantly see articles explaining how ordinary people like yourself are finding all kinds of handy uses for computers...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Philosophy There is a great deal of expertise among our subscribership. This periodical collects letters and other information from subscribers and after a little rewriting, if needed, publishes the results. Documentation for computer programs is intended to define how to operate the program, not how to interpret the results, we will endeavor to help in this area. We will not be making specific trade recommendations, but rather suggesting possible techniques that should help you reach your own decisions. The interpretation of results will be based on observations, opinion and statistical corr...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Curtis Arnold holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and for the past two years has been directing the technical research efforts at Weiss Research, an economic research firm and publisher of two newsletters, MONEY FORECASTS and MONEY & MARKETS. He credits technical analysis and computer technology with the tremendous success enjoyed by his daily Financial Futures Hotline. Mr. Arnold will shortly be publishing his new book, Your Personal Computer Can Make You Rich In The Stock Market....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...COMPUTER TRIVIA *The Analytical Engine (1835-1869) Because of lack of government support, English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792-1871) never got to build his invention, the design of which presaged the modern computer. Had it seen the light of day, the engine would have used data fed by punched cards, performed arithmetical calculations, and stored information in a memory bank. Lady Lovelace, the mathematically brilliant daughter of Lord Byron, developed some potential problems for the future machine, in effect acting as the first programmer....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Intra Day Analyst -- A Report by TIMOTHY C. SLATER/President, Intra Day Analyst Company The last version of The Intra Day Analyst has been in the field for five months. During this time, it has undergone several revisions responding to users requests for modifications. With the exception of a few minor ""bugs"" (since reprogrammed), it has been trouble-free. Now that it is in wide use, I offer my observations and suggestions. 1. A trader should first be accomplished at inter-day trading before attempting to trade intra-day. On the face of it, this seems like a rather simple statement, but...