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Is The Price REIT?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Equity REITs were crushed during the last two years. Is it too soon to start buying? Are REITs going to recover soon or should you wait for the elusive interest rate cuts? To remove the guesswork, here is a strategy to trade REIT stocks based on their correlation with interest rates...
AUTHOR: Markos KatsanosDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Trading Strategies
AUTHOR: Perry J. KaufmanDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Price Studies
Writing Covered Calls Part 1: Examining Your Choices
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In the last series, we provided an introduction to trading options and what this type of instrument is all about. Here, we dive into strategies for option trading by explaining a straightforward, lower-risk type of option trade you can make: the covered call...
AUTHOR: John DevcicDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Options Trading
AUTHOR: Andrea UngerDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Trading Strategies
AUTHOR: Azeez MustaphaDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Cryptocurrency Trading
AUTHOR: Barbara Star, Ph.D.DATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Product Review
AUTHOR: Carley GarnerDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Futures Trading
Algo Q&A
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Have a question about system or algo trading? Kevin J. Davey is a full-time trader, and has over 25 years of system trading experience. Send your questions or topic suggestions to Kevin Davey at Selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. This month: The Long And Short Of It...
AUTHOR: Kevin J. DaveyDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Algo Trading
Explore Your Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Jay Kaeppel has over three decades of experience in the options markets. He was a head trader for a CTA firm, an options trading software developer, and is a portfolio manager for an investment management firm. This month: Bull Put Spreads...
AUTHOR: Jay KaeppelDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Options Trading
AUTHOR: Stella Osoba, CMTDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Chart Patterns
Market Rap
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Unserious thoughts on serious topics in finance, from Emilio Tomasini, a professional trader and adjunct professor of corporate finance at the University of Bologna in Italy. This month: The RSI Isn't A Panacea...
AUTHOR: Emilio TomasiniDATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Trading
Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Markos Katsanos' article in this issue, "Is The Price REIT?" Here, we present the June 2024 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwa...
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Traders' Tips code
AUTHOR: Technical Analysis, Inc.DATE: JUN2024SUBJECT: Futures