ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A Mutual Fund Trading Method by Norman J. Brown Get better profits and reduce your risks by using the one-rank method to select mutual funds to trade. There are many techniques and tools you can use to define turning points that generate trading signals. In this article I will discuss an approach that uses only very short-term persistence -- that is, from one day to the next. I refer to this one-day principle as "one rank" (OR). The trading rules are simple, and historical evidence from the last 13-plus years clearly shows that using OR to select mutual funds can help you gain substantial pro...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? The Encyclopedia Of Technical Market Indicators: 2nd Edition ? Financial Risk Management: A Practitioner's Guide To Managing Market And Credit Risk ? Investing In Information Technology Stocks ? New Era Value Investing: A Disciplined Approach To Buying Value & Growth Stocks ? Investment Performance Measurement ? RiskGrade Your Investments: Measure Your Risk And Create Wealth ? The Short Book on Options: A Conservative Strategy For The Buy And Hold Investor ? Swing Trading: Power Strategies To Cut Risk And Boost Profits...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Do Or Die Trading by Bo Yoder Bring consistency to your trading. A s any active trader knows, once a trade is initiated, the market will do everything in its power to convince you that you are an idiot who has just put on the worst trade in the history of mankind. The market will form little false starts and head-fakes, then go dead in the water as it tries to bore you to death. These whips and jiggles ask you constantly, "Are you sure about this trade?" and try to convince you to exit as the stock hacks and gasps its way toward your profit objective. It takes great discipline and commitmen...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile CREDIT AND DEBIT SPREADS What are some money management tips for credit and debit spreads? Specifically, when should I get out if a spread goes against me? --Bob Great question. By purchasing or selling spreads, you've minimized the risks of stock ownership while maintaining a greater potential return on investment. However, just because you have taken the measure to place a spread trade doesn't mean you should just "set it and forget it." So when exactly is the best time to get out of a spread? Since you asked for both a debit and credit spread, it requir...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How Fit Are You For Trading? by Ned Gandevani, Ph.D. Reach your full potential as a trader by understanding your psychological makeup. Trading psychology plays an instrumental role in successful trading. Traders who are successful realize they are not trading the markets but rather their own psychology. But what does trading psychology really refer to? How do you know if you have the proper psychological profile to be a trader? What style of trading suits you best? What specific type of trading vehicle would best fit your personality? The trading personality test in the sidebar will help yo...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. TRADERS' TIPS ONLINE Editor, Is there a way I can get the Traders' Tips from last month's magazine online? STEVE STOYKA, via e-mail Yes. Past Traders' Tips can be viewed at our website at The current issue's Traders' Tips can be found at: FEEDbk_docs/TradersTips/ TradersTips.html. (Alternatively, from our homepage at, click on the STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine icon on the left, then scroll down to the "This month in S&C" section on the left-hand side, and look for "Traders' Tips.") For...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright DIVIDEND PLAY Do you know the exact time when dividend ownership is recorded? Is it at the close? For example, MO (Altria Group, Inc.) trades ex-dividend. Say the dividend tomorrow will be 64 cents. Could someone buy at the close, sell aftermarket, and capture the dividend (assuming they can sell it aftermarket near the NYSE close price)? -- vhehn First off, it is the overnight holder (settlement date) of the stock prior to the ex-dividend date who is eligible for payment. Afterhours trades are treated as same-day trades for clearing and settlement. It's a nice idea, but di...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Reverse Engineering RSI by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D. Can the inverse of an oscillator help you to forecast closing prices? Reverse engineering is a mathematical procedure that takes the inverse of an oscillator. In this article I will illustrate this process using J. Welles Wilder's relative strength index (RSI). The reverse-engineered RSI, or RevEngRSI for short, can help determine the following time period's closing price using the value of the oscillator. ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? TRADESTATION: IMPLIED VOLATILITY AND VOLUME Scott Castleman's article in this issue, "Using Implied Volatility And Volume," describes a market-adaptive channel breakout system in which the channel lookback period is a function of implied volatility and volume. The core strategy's EasyLanguage code can be found in the sidebar of the article itself. We have elaborated on Castleman's code by creating two new indicators. The first displays the "LookBack" calculations producing his trading "thresholds." The second plots the thresholds themselves. We ha...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using Implied Volatility And Volume by Scott Castleman Construct a trend-following system that adjusts to current market conditions. Traditionally, technicians have relied on historical prices to analyze the market. They have created many different indicators to predict the direction of prices by basing their calculations on past data. However, these indicators may fail to work prospectively when markets do not repeat their historical patterns. Thus, using these indicators to forecast market direction is like trying to drive a car by looking in the rearview mirror. Any change in the road ahe...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan WWW.ADVFN.COM Advanced Financial Network (, a website that caters to traders of the UK and European markets, has many features worth looking into. The eurocentricity of this site is evident from the homepage, which displays charts of the FTSE 100, Techmark, and FTSE Allshare indexes. Recently, the website developers added US stocks to their database, and there are plans to expand the feature set available for these stocks....