STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For JUN1998

  • Michael Sheimo On Dow Theory by Thom Hartle

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview: Michael Sheimo On Dow Theory by Thom Hartle Take a look around: Technology is changing the face of trading and investing before your very eyes. Computers, information acquisition and trading are all getting faster and faster, sometimes at breath-taking speeds. The world of tomorrow is here today, in the form of technology. Is there still room for the classic approaches, such as Dow theory? To find out, Stocks & Commodities Editor Thom Hartle spoke with Michael Sheimo, author of Cashing In On The Dow, Stock Market Rules, and Dow Theory Redux, by phone on March 24, 1998. Here's what ...

  • Mutated Variables Volatility And A New Market Paradigm by Walter T. Downs, Ph.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Mutated Variables Volatility And A New Market Paradigm by Walter T. Downs, Ph.D. Markets move through phases during which volatility fluctuates. Here's how to measure the shifts in volatility and then use that data as a filter for a trading system. Market structure has undergone numerous changes in the past 10 years. A new market paradigm appears to have developed as a result of these changes, and also as a result, common variables in the market appear to have changed and are currently having an impact on technical forecasting tools. The concept of variable mutation can be used to analyze m...

  • On System Development Part 1 by Mark Vakkur, M.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...On System Development Part 1 by Mark Vakkur, M.D. Here's one for the first-time developer of a trading system, or someone who's thinking about developing a system. Here are the basic steps this author took to develop a system for the stock market. Successful trading is nothing more than systematically putting the odds in your favor. Our only guide to the future is the past; the trader must hunt down historical associations and hope they continue to hold true. These associations can be as simple as the idea that a close above a rising moving average tends to be followed by higher prices or a...

  • Traders' Tips

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips To implement the strategies from Walter Down's article, ""Mutated variables, volatility and a new market paradigm,"" codes have been provided for TradeStation, MetaStock, WaveWi$e, TechniFilter Plus, SmarTrader, and Window on WallStreet....

  • Trading And The Senses by Adrienne Laris Toghraie

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading And The Senses by Adrienne Laris Toghraie Successful trading requires a mind balanced between intellect and intuition. Here are some ideas toward developing a balanced mental approach to trading. One of the Market Wizards once told me that he covered his walls with commodity bar charts and went over each chart, bar by bar. Then he would study the waves of each market until he knew them so well that someone could bring out a chart and he could tell you which commodity it was from. This exercise allowed him to feel the probability of market movement in the future. It was not an intel...

  • Trading Monthly Eurodollars by Scott W. Barrie

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Monthly Eurodollars by Scott W. Barrie Traders tend to be more interested in trading short time frames than long ones, but a longer one can be of value as well. Here's a simple technical system based on monthly Eurodollar charts for entry and exit signals. A tool often overlooked in trading futures is the monthly chart. Monthly charts present a clear picture of the trend, be it up, down or sideways. The price trend shown on monthly charts are the moves that as traders, we all wish we could participate in. However, most traders lack the patience and discipline necessary to stay with ...

  • Trading Ranges With Moving Averages by John Sweeney

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Ranges With Moving Averages by John Sweeney Using simple moving averages may seem like a straightforward approach to trading, but there are subtle techniques that can improve performance. A few months ago, I pointed out that moving averages are neat boundaries for trending action. Short-term averages are also handy for finding yourself in a trading range. How can that be, you ask? Usually, averages are curses for their behavior in a trading range. Those who use them to enter trends find themselves trading in and out rapidly, usually losing money in the process. By the very nature of...

  • V16:6: Letters

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to S&C This month's letters discuss Robert Krausz's article on the Gann swing chartist, Elliott wave theory, the importance of backtesting, and John Sweeney's article on moving averages....

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