STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For JUN1996

  • SIDEBAR: Indicators - Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...INDICATORS The following steps can be used to implement the on-balance volume disparity indicator and the negative volume disparity indicator in Microsoft Excel. The example uses daily data for the stock J.P. Morgan [JPM]. Because Holt's article "Enhancing on-balance and negative volume" uses weekly data for the NYSE Composite Index, the same parameters are used here. However, it is recommended that the parameters be reviewed for use for daily data of indi-vidual stocks. In addition, using a relative strength line as an indication of an upward trend is also recommended as an initial filter fo...

  • SIDEBAR: MetaStock and Indicators - Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...MetaStock 4.5 formulas - Technical Analysis, Inc....

  • SIDEBAR: MetaStock syntax - Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...METASTOCK SYNTAX - Technical Analysis, Inc....

  • Statistics Of Chaotic Markets by Hans Hannula, Ph.D., C.T.A.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For those of us who have had ""chaotic"" days - when everything was topsy-turvy and nothing went the way it should have - maybe the problem isn't in those days; maybe it's in what we expect. - by Hans Hannula, Ph.D., C.T.A. Have you ever had a truly chaotic day? One in which nothing was normal? Probably so. In trading and life in general, ample evidence exists that chaos does occur. There are times when things happen far outside the range of what we expect. But we expect things to be ""statistically"" normal. Maybe there's a problem in what we expect. Our research and modeling of markets cle...

  • Sustaining The Trader's Momentum by Ari Kiev, M.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...This psychiatrist, who teaches strategies for successful trading, explores various strategies for overcoming obstacles to continued success. by Ari Kiev, M.D. It's not uncommon for traders to blow up after successful runs just as they're about to reach their financial targets. This phenomenon seems to be related to the increase in tension and anxiety as a goal is approached. This occurs because success represents entering into the realm of the unknown and activates fears about failing and about the impossibility of success. As a consequence, the increased anxiety may result in self-destructiv...

  • V.14:6 (241-243) Seasonality And The S&P 500 by Mark Vakkur, M.D.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Looking at the seasonality of the stock market from different viewpoints can give you new insight into an old concept. Here's a look at the best and worst months in which to invest as well as some suggested investing guidelines. By Mark Vakkur, M.D. One of the strongest arguments against the random walk theory is the observation that the stock market tends to make most of its gains during certain months that are far from randomly distributed. As Yale Hirsch points out in The 1996 Stock Trader's Almanac, if an investor were to have invested $10,000 in the Standard & Poor's 500 index in May thr...

  • V.14:6 (253-257) The Derivative Moving Average by Adam White

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here's a strategic variation of the tried-and-true simple moving average that uses a moving average for entry signals and the trend analysis index for exit signals. By Adam White To get that all-important edge over other market participants, the creative investor must use methods that other investors are not. Thus, as a technician I am always looking for different twists on reliable indicators and trading strategies. Let me explain the derivative moving average, a new twist to one of the most reliable and best-known indicators of all, the simple moving averageY´. Moving averages are widely u...

  • V.14:6 (262-264) Employment As A Bond Market Forecast by Alex Saitta

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How good a barometer is the monthly US employment report for the bond market? One analyst decided to find out. By Alex Saitta The US employment report that the federal government releases on a monthly basis contains an assortment of data on many different sectors of the economy, so it is known as an excellent barometer of the prior month's economic activity. Market volatility supports the significance of this report. The day the report is released, the Treasury bond futures' trading range is larger than it is on the release dates of other economic reports. In the last eight years, the size of...

  • V.14:6(248-252) The High, Tight Flag by Greg Kuhn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...During a strong trend, a stock will still spend some time in a consolidation period before the next run. Here's a chart pattern that can be found during a consolidation of a strong stock. By Greg Kuhn In most cases, when a stock skyrockets 40%, 50% or even 60% in just a few weeks, it's considered overextended and prone to a deep correction. This is true especially if the rally - often referred to as a climax run or parabolic spike - occurs at the end of an advance that developed over many months. Sometimes the situations could even be the beginning of an even larger advance, and often, such o...

  • V.14:6(265-270) Enhancing On-Balance And Negative Volume - by Phillip C. Holt

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here's a new technique that can be used to identify when on-balance volume or negative volume is indicating something notable about the direction of the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index. If your objective is to keep the bear away from the door, this may help. By Phillip C. Holt Analysts have mined the relationship between price and volume for decades. Joseph Granville, Marc Chaikin, Richard Arms and Norman Fosback, to name only a few of technical analysis' all-stars, have studied the relationship in depth. On-balance volume, accumulation/distribution, ease of movement and negative volu...

  • V.14:6(271-278: Jim Bianco Of Arbor Trading by Thom Hartle

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...There is no shortage of market analysts in this world, but as Jim Bianco, the director of research for Arbor Trading, can tell you, if you want to make a difference you have to look at things with a different vantage point. Bianco's career in the markets began in equity research, but eventually, he changed his focus to the fixed-income arena. Stocks & Commodities talked with Bianco on why his interest shifted from stocks to bonds, why bonds are out of fashion at the moment, and how he tracks the players that he thinks make the real difference on where interest rates are headed. By Thom Hartle ...

  • V14:6 (282-283) Traders' Tips - Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TECHNIFILTER PLUS The set of TechniFilter Plus formulas called ""OBV disparity trading system"" produces a TechniFilter Plus strategy that implements the trading system presented in Phillip Holt's ""Enhancing on-balance and negative volume"" in this issue. In the article, Holt computes a ratio of two Bollinger %B calculations, one based on price and one based on a volume indicator (either the on-balance volume or the negative volume index). A %B calculation based on price expresses the position of the closing price within the upper and lower Bollinger bands. A value of ""1"" places the close ...

  • V14:6 Letters to S&C - Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...DISCOUNT BROKERAGE SERVICE Editor, I'm an Italian subscriber and TradeStation user and I'd like to start trading soon. My problem is finding a discount brokerage service that allows me to trade in CBOT and LIFFE markets directly via keyboard from Italy. I know the names of some discount brokers in the US, but none of them seem to offer this kind of service. I know discount brokerages exist with online service in the US, but I don't know if I can use them from Italy. I'd appreciate it if you could help me locate a list of international discount brokerages with this kind of service. BARONI GAB...

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