ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Discount Stock Brokers by Richard Maturi If you're a sophisticated investor, willing to make many of your own investment decisions then May 1,1975 marked a milestone for your investment activities. On ""May Day"" the Securities and Exchange Commission ended fixed commissions, making brokerage commissions fully negotiable. Many discount stock brokers came into existence after May 1, 1975 offering investors exceptional money-saving rates. Discount brokers can offer commission savings on orders for three reasons: 1.Their staff is paid on a salary basis, therefore no large commissions are incur...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How Good is The Dow Theory? Part II by Bill Dunbar I had just sat down at my desk in Advanced Design when Cliff walked In. ""Ya hear the news?"" he asked. ""What news?"" ""The rails confirmed yesterday!"" He announced it like he expected me to stand up and cheer. ""Oh, yeah?"" I was faking it--I didn't know what he was talking about, though I had a vague idea it was something about the averages. Cliff was great on theory but I don't think he ever put a dime into the market. I made up for him though by sticking my life savings into stocks without knowing a damn thing about it. That was in 1...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Part 1. Concepts and Examples A Trend Following Method for All Seasons by Anthony W. Warren, Ph.D. Introduction Trend following methods based on plots of raw and moving average data are one of the oldest and most universally used techniques of technical analysis. However, these techniques are appropriate for only certain types of markets, characterized by great cyclical movements or trends, and are not useful in long accumulation and distribution periods when the underlying market is flat. Moreover, even in trending markets the traditional moving average trading techniques tend to be suscept...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Prediction by Index by Clifford J. Sherry, Ph.D. The Composite Index of Leading Economic Indicators is a summary measure designed to indicate changes in the direction of aggregrate economic activity. The Index measures the average behavior of a group of 12 economic time series that show similar timing at business cycle turns. They represent different activities or sectors of the economy. The Index was first developed in the 1930's by the National Bureau of Economic Research and has been published since 1961 by the Department of Commerce in Business Conditions Digest. The Index tends to lead a...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stock and Future Option Trading Trading in stock and futures options is one of the least understood yet potentially most rewarding forms of investing for the individual, professional trader and institutional investor. While trading in stock options can be traced back more than a century in the over-the-counter market, it is only within the last decade that it has become a significant activity in listed stocks. According to Forbes magazine, by 1980 the total volume of options traded measured in terms of their underlying stock exceeded the volume of actual shares traded on the New York Stock Ex...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Discount Stock Brokers by Richard Maturi If you're a sophisticated investor, willing to make many of your own investment decisions then May 1,1975 marked a milestone for your investment activities. On ""May Day"" the Securities and Exchange Commission ended fixed commissions, making brokerage commissions fully negotiable. Many discount stock brokers came into existence after May 1, 1975 offering investors exceptional money-saving rates. Discount brokers can offer commission savings on orders for three reasons: 1.Their staff is paid on a salary basis, therefore no large commissions are incur...