STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For JUL1986

  • A mechanical trading system by William F. Eng

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A mechanical trading system by William F. Eng As a professional floor trader at the Chicago Board of Figure 1 Trade, I have studied many trading techniques. Some work and some don't. Most trading techniques work with the one missing element that we all need--discipline. I preface this article with this caveat because I am of the firm belief that the best system, without minimal discipline, will fail. I have derived a very good approach to trading the markets and have seen this fail when others have used it because they lacked the discipline to follow it. Independent of your approach, you must ...

  • CTCR's BRUCE BABCOCK By Melanie Bowman

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...CTCR's BRUCE BABCOCK By Melanie Bowman ""Perceptive"" and ""to-the-point"" describe Bruce Babcock, the attorney turned professional commodity trader to whom thousands of traders now look for advice on what's hot and what's not in services, systems, and software. Babcock's best known newsletter, the Commodity Traders Consumer Report, is a one-stop resource for ratings, reviews, and information on advisory services, trading systems, seminars and publications. His style is to ""lay it on the line,"" report the good with the bad, and look for value at a reasonable price. While earning his law d...

  • How useful are stochastics for trading? by Jack D. Schwager and Norman Strahm

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How useful are stochastics for trading? by Jack D. Schwager and Norman Strahm In the current popular trading systems terminology, a stochastic refers to a measure of the placement of the current price within a recent range. If the current price is near the top part of the recent range, the stochastic will be high; if it is near the low end of the range, the stochastic will be low. Specifically, the stochastic can be defined as follows: S C L H-L N t = - Ct = current closing price H = high price during past N days L = low price during past N days N = number of days used to calculate th...

In This Issue by Jack K. Hutson, Publisher

  • Left brain/right brain, reality and trading the markets by R.E. McMaster, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Left brain/right brain, reality and trading the markets by R.E. McMaster, Jr. The starting point for success in trading the markets profitably is to perceive market reality accurately. While this may sound obvious enough, most traders enter the marketplace with preconceptions, biases and incorrect perceptions of market reality. They soon learn, however, that the market is a ruthless taskmaster. You either line up with the market's reality, or you lose money. The market's consciousness, it seems, justifies itself in its harshness, as it points out to traders that there are only three realitie...

SIDEBAR: Bull or bear market?

  • Trade News And Products by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trade News And Products by Technical Analysis, Inc. ADP DATA SERVICES 175 Jackson Plaza Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 995-6400 ADP Data Services has released the Inside Trading Data Base, an on-line source of corporate insider trading information. Updated daily, the Insider Trading Data Base provides financial professionals with a timely, convenient research tool for assessing the market impact of insider trading, and how it may influence investment decisions. The Insider Trading Data Base is compiled by the Invest/Net group which has maintained a comprehensive insider trading database since 19...

  • Trade News And Products by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trade News And Products by Technical Analysis, Inc. KEY FORECASTER KEY DATA 4415 Cowell Road, Suite 2000 Concord, CA 94518 Computer: IBM PC/XT/AT,128K, DOS 2.1 or higher, monochrome or color CRT, printer Software: A supported spreadsheet or database (see below) Price: $79 KEY FORECASTER is a computer program that forecasts data value obtained from spreadsheet files, databases, or manual entry. It uses several sophisticated techniques to calculate forecasts that require very little user input. This ease of use is meant to make these sophisticated techniques available to traders who have not b...

  • Using basic statistics for stops by Robert W. Hull, Jr.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Using basic statistics for stops by Robert W. Hull, Jr. The primary purpose of this article is to use basic statistics to measure the degree of price volatility that can occur on a daily basis in the copper market. These measures can then be used to place a stop or limit order that takes into account these natural daily price movements. The statistics that will be used will be the mean, the standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation. Many potentially profitable trades have ended up losing money or cutting profits short for the trader, as the market has traded to a price where the t...

  • Winning in the Futures Market (Three ways to beat the system) by Allen D. Hanson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Winning in the Futures Market (Three ways to beat the system) by Allen D. Hanson There are very few successful futures traders. Most winners tend to give back their earnings and many of the people that try the commodity futures markets never really get to first base. Income tax accountants and bankers know full well that the average trader is a loser. There is always the old question, ""Where are the rich commodity traders?"" They are few and far between. Almost everybody that I have known over the years that made it big in commodities also lost it big eventually. The market is a great task...

  • Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 4 Understanding group stock behavior by Jack K. Hutson

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Wyckoff method of trading stocks part 4 Understanding group stock behavior by Jack K. Hutson The Richard D. Wyckoff method of trading brings the technical analyst a clean, logical way to understand stock market behavior and to anticipate the most opportune trading and investment moments. The Wyckoff analyst begins with charts of a broad composite market average, overlays charts of industry group averages and then, when that information is weighed, compares the trends and critical turning points to the charts of individual stocks within the industry group. Analyzing group averages is a vital ...

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