ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books for Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? Range-Bound Markets ? The Complete Turtle Trader: The Legend, The Lessons, The Results ? Forecasting Expected Returns In The Financial Markets ? How To Make Money In Stocks: A Winning System In Good Times or Bad, 3rd Ed. ? Electronic And Algorithmic Trading Technology: The Complete Guide ? Forex Simplified ? Finding Midas: Investing In Entrepreneurial CEOs With The Golden Touch ? Commodity Strategies: High-Profit Techniques For Investors & Traders ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex Focus: The Alligator Indicator by Alexander Sabodin Here's a trading system you can apply to trending markets such as the currencies. There is a moving average?based trading system that I have found works best in trending markets, with its main instrument the alligator indicator. The alligator was first described by Bill Williams in his book New Trading Dimensions. Some software packages include the alligator indicator, but if it's not available, all you have to do is take three smoothed moving averages using 13, eight, and five periods and shift them by eight, five, and three bars int...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forward Testing by Martha Stokes, CMT A Solution To Backtesting A simple technique, it can reveal the true profit or loss capabilities of a trading system. Backtesting has been popular among traders for many years. The concept is that you take a set number of months or years and test a trading strategy over that period's data. You calculate the average results and performance of that trading strategy as it performed during that time. In theory this sounds like a fantastic tool for traders -- backtest and know if the strategy works. But that is not what backtesting this way actually gives a t...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. SVAPO (SHORT-TERM VOLUME AND PRICE OSCILLATOR) Editor, I enjoyed Sylvain Vervoort's article in the November 2007 issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES on the SVAPO indicator ("Short-Term Volume And Price Oscillator"). I use MetaStock for all my technical analysis and am currently using MetaStock 10. I have entered all the info for the indicator, and I am particularly interested in the code for the MetaStock Expert that you presented in Figure 8. I like your concept of increasing price with increasing volume and then being able to identify the corrections wi...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright NOW IF Can someone tell me if all the assets of a company were worth $1 million and the total number of shares available for the full amount of the company were 100,000 (each share being $10) and regardless of the revenue, the company (always) returned 10% net on the $ million dollars each year -- that is, $100,000 -- at what price range would the company's shares trade the second year? How about the third year? Now if we take away the company's assets and say the company leases everything but total revenue was $1 million, with net income $100,000, at what price range should...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile DOLLAR BOUNCE The US dollar has performed miserably against the euro in recent years. I think it's overdone, but I have heard that some analysts say the euro could move all the way up to 1.50. If so, I think the dollar will bounce from there. What strategies can I use? I have heard of shorting gold. Does that make sense? The dollar has really suffered serious losses against the euro in recent years. From November 2006 to November 2007, the euro rose from less than 1.20 to its current levels near 1.47. Seven years ago, one euro could only buy 0.82 dollars!...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A Structured Approach To Option Trading by Jay Kaeppel This is the first in a series of articles about option trading with the PROVEST option trading method. The PROVEST method is not a trading system. Rather, it utilizes a series of criteria that can aid option traders in choosing the proper trading strategy for a given situation. Likewise, traders are free to choose different parameters to apply to each of the key criteria. This month's article lays the groundwork for the strategy pieces to follow in the months ahead. Option trading volume has proliferated in recent years. Part of this is ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...More Than A Trading System With Adrienne Toghraie by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Adrienne Laris Toghraie is an internationally recognized authority in the field of human development and a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for the financial and business communities. She is the founder of Trading on Target and Enriching Life Seminars, companies dedicated to helping traders, salespeople, and other high achievers to increase profits and success. Using her 20 years of study in the science of modeling excellence/NLP and other forms of psychological development, Toghraie has help...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. Editor's note: This month's Traders' Tips are based on Leon Wilson's article in this issue, "Profit Locking And The Relative Price Channel." Code written for BullCharts and MetaStock is already provided in the article's sidebars. Code for other programs is presented here. Readers will find our Traders' Tips section in its entirety at the STOCKS & COMMODITIES website at in the Traders' Tips area, from where the code can be copied and pasted into the appropriate program. In addition, the code for each program is usually available at the...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What Works, What Doesn't In Stock Market History by Mark Vakkur Using Summary Statistics, In Over 60 Years And here for your education and edification, Standard & Poor's 500 summary statistics from January 1945 to May 2007! Some factors are strongly correlated with rising or falling markets. Find out what they are, in part 1 of a two-part series. In trading, as in poker, it pays to know the odds. Although the Standard & Poor's 500 is far from predictable, certain factors are strongly correlated with rising or falling markets. There is no guarantee that these relationships will continue, but...