ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? Stock Trader's Almanac 2008 ? Commodity Trader's Almanac 2008 ? Contrarian Ripple Trading ? The Forex Trading Course: A Self-Study Guide To Becoming A Successful Currency Trader ? Invest Like A Shark ? The Little Book That Makes You Rich ? Millionaire Traders: How Everyday People Are Beating Wall Street At Its Own Game...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Buying Puts And Calls With PROVEST by Jay Kappel The second article in this series discusses the details of the PROVEST strategy and how you can apply it to trade calls and/ or puts. As discussed in the first part of this series, several key factors should be considered in determining the best option trading strategy to use at any given point in time for any given security. Likewise, these criteria can also be used to zero in on the best option or options to trade in executing a particular strategy. Selecting the proper strategy involves knowing what to look for in terms of the following var...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Can Technical Factors Gauge What Works In The Stock Market? by Mark Vakkur In the second part of this series we look at the technical factors you can use to gauge the magnitude and direction of the trends in the S&P 500. Using only month-tomonth, close-to-close figures, it is difficult to find any meaningful, consistent information in the price performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 itself by using technical analysis. This does not mean that technical analysis is useless, just that when looking at the monthly trend it is difficult to find exploitable patterns. ARE DOWN YEARS FOLLOWED BY R...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile SEASONALITY I know seasonality is an important factor in the commodities markets. Is there any way to play seasonality in the stock market? Can you give an example? Important seasonal patterns exist, not just in the commodities market, but in the stock market as well. One seasonal trend that you might have seen in the commodities market is natural gas. Prices move higher before the winter because colder weather creates an increase in demand for the commodity. As temperatures drop, consumers need more heat and also more natural gas. In the stock market, t...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex Focus: Point & Figure For Forex by James Chen, CTA Here's an age-old charting technique that you can use effectively in the foreign exchange markets. To trade using point & figure charts is to trade based on pure price action. One of the best-kept secrets about this granddaddy of technical analysis charting methods lies in the fact that it is ideally suited to analyzing and trading the forex market. THE BASICS Point & figure (P&F) charts originated in the 19th century as an innovative method for graphically plotting price action in the financial markets. One of the unique aspects of ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Futures For You by Dan O'Neil WORKING THE SYSTEM Do you believe the claim that some system marketers use that their system works across all time frames and all types of futures (emini indexes, grains, softs, energies, and so forth)? Have you ever seen or heard anything that indicates that this could be true?--Randy Glick Before we jump into the verity of published trading results, let's start by taking a look at just what a trading system is. Trading systems -- also known as "black boxes" -- use a set of rules or computer algorithms to decide when and what to buy or sell, with exit and entry c...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How Secure Are Your Securities? by John A. Sarkett How well protected are your stocks and options in your brokerage account? Two classic Zen koans and one modern riddle you may never have considered: What is the sound of one hand clapping? Does a dog have Buddha nature? And how well protected are the stocks and options in your brokerage account -- not their value, which fluctuates, but their very existence? In peaceful financial times, that last query rarely arises. These are not peaceful financial times. The subprime shakeout has caused bank runs (Countrywide, Northern Rock), toppled CEOs (...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Interview The World Of Commodities With Carley Garner by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan Alaron broker and analyst Carley Garner has been involved with the markets for years and is actively educating traders through web content and online seminars at and through the web newsletters she writes (The Dow/NASDAQ Report and The Bond Report). She has just cowritten with partner Paul Brittain Optionology 101, a guide to option trading, which is scheduled to be published later this year by FT Press. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan conducted this interview with ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters to S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. SHORT-PERIOD RSI Editor, Regarding the November 2007 S&C article "Does The RSI Give You An Edge?" by Larry Connors and Ashton Dorkins, I am wondering if the short period RSI was tested against the S&P 500 index or any other index or commodity. - GREG COSTEENS The article mentions they looked at more than eight million trades the authors made from January 1, 1995, to December 31, 2006. It doesn't specifically mention they conducted the test on the S&P 500 or any commodity. It's likely the results will be similar. If you have access to the data, it...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright MESQUITE RETREAT Hello, STOCKS & COMMODITIES readers! Bright Trading recently held one of our retreats for our traders in Mesquite, NV. We had approximately 70 attendees, including some "non-Bright" traders, who seemed to find the weekend both educational and entertaining. Traders asking other traders questions is always interesting and of great value to the whole group, including the Bright family. I'm going to paraphrase some requests and questions, along with a variety of answers. My request is for some informal presentations from traders -- just a few minutes from a few...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. Editor's note: This month's Traders' Tips are based on Sylvain Vervoort's article in this issue, "Trading Medium-Term Divergences." Code written for MetaStock is already provided in the article's sidebars. Code for other programs is presented here. Readers will find our Traders' Tips section in its entirety at the STOCKS & COMMODITIES website at in the Traders' Tips area, from where the code can be copied and pasted into the appropriate program. In addition, the code for each program is usually available at the respective software com...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading Medium-Term Divergences by Sylvain Vervoort Detect medium-term divergences by using the zero-lagging exponential moving average, support and resistance lines, and trendlines. When a stock price and an oscillator move in the same direction it's known as a convergence. When price and oscillator move in opposite directions, it's known as a divergence. In looking at the lows of the oscillator and comparing them with the lows in price, we can define three different situations (see Figure 1): ■ When the price and oscillator make higher or equal bottoms, they converge. Until there is...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading With The Directional Ratio by John "Jay" Norris Whether you trade long term, short term, or intermediate term, you need to know the direction of the trend. Here's a simple way to find out. If you are an active trader, or if you manage traders, you probably already know the importance of differentiating between a "trend trade" and a "countertrend trade." By using the highs and lows on the chart to determine overall direction, it should be a simple matter to determine a market's current stance for a particular time period, be it 15 candles or 60. However, once you add up the long-, int...