ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...How often do you go through a mental checklist before placing a trade? Markets are chaotic and can overwhelm us, which in turn leads us to make hasty decisions. But if you wire your brain to think logically, it may make a difference in how you make your trading decisions. Here's an approach you could apply to help you think logically...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In any given trading day, bulls and bears battle it out. Even if a trend is generally bullish, there'll still be some selling going on. The reverse applies to a bearish trend. How can you get a sense of who is winning the battle at any given moment? Some candlestick patterns reveal this information better than others. Here are some to consider...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...When a market has been strongly bullish, it's easy to get complacent and focus on continuing to grow your net returns. The reality is that markets don't always go up, which is why, as a precaution, it's worth your time to map out the bigger picture. That's not to say that you can accurately predict when the market might turn around but it gives you a path to follow. Here's one approach to use...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders always welcome trading signals generated by their indicators. Often, these indicators are based on price and volume, but with the surge in social media, it may be worth your while to pay attention to what the general sentiment is to an equity, future, or option. Read on to find out why...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trader, educator, author, and mentor Hima Reddy, CMT, was introduced to trading by her late father and has continued on that path since the day she laid eyes on her first price chart. She applies Gann's price and time analysis to the markets with a more modern approach. In her 2013 book The Trading Methodologies Of W.D. Gann: A Guide To Building Your Technical Analysis Toolbox, Reddy shares some of the Gann analysis tools she uses. She has been an active member of the CMT Association (formerly known as the Market Technicians Association) for over 15 years and is the CMT Content Director for th...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Not many people worry about how high a market can go. It can go on indefinitely. And while technically, a market could potentially fall to zero, the chance of that happening is slim. Fibonacci retracement levels are a handy reference guide to have when you try to figure out how low a market could go. Find out here how to apply them...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...We are pleased to present the Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine 2018 Readers' Choice Awards (RCA). Each year, we put before our readers a ballot of products and services related to technical analysis and trading. The following pages present the products and services you and your peers chose this year as your favorites...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What's up with volatility? After spending all of 2017 below its average of 19, the VIX, a popular measure of market fear, suddenly popped to a high of 50 on February 6, 2018. I've always said the markets have an uncanny ability to surprise us...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...If you weren't subscribing to Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, The Traders' Magazine, throughout 2017, you missed out on a lot of information. Here is some of what you missed...