ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...It all began with manual trading, when you had to send a request to a broker or be present at the exchange every time you needed to place an order. With the later development of information technologies, users adapted to the possibilities of Internet trading. The transparency of processes, minimum cost of transactions, trading right from a desktop computer, and access to various analytical tools -- all these advantages made online trading a new standard for modern traders....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...It's fair to say that technical analysis has made its biggest strides in relation to price-based forecasting rather than time-based studies. Moreover, when time-based techniques are developed, they are applied to higher time frame charts. The result is that the intraday trading context has seen little exposure to time-based forecasting techniques comparable to higher time frame approaches such as the delta system, the spiral calendar, and Ermanometry....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...M i c r o s o f t E x c e l F o r S t o c k A n d O p t i o n T r a d e r s (195 pages, $49.99 hardc over, 2011, I S B N 9 7 8 - 0 - 1 3 - 71318 2-2 ) b y Jeff Augen, p u b l i sh e d by Pearson Educat i o n a s F T P r e s s . T h e r e 's o n l y o n e way to gain a consistent edge in today's high-speed markets: adopt the same advanced data mining and analysis techniques the institutions use. With Microsoft Excel and an up-to-date PC, you can do just that. This book covers a variety of approaches for systematicall...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...I've noticed some bull call spreads trade for less than intrinsic value prior to expiration. Why is that, since it would seem like a good opportunity to buy at a discount compared to an outright call? What you're seeing is a function of larger extrinsic or time value in the short, higher strike call compared to the deeper long call. This causes some verticals, in particular those with one strike deep-in-the-money and the other slightly in- or out-of-themoney, appear to be trading at a discount to its intrinsic worth at expiration....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The US Dollar Index seems to be overlooked. Are there opportunities there? Yes! The US Dollar Index (DX) futures contract, traded on the Intercontinental Exchange (Ic e), could be one of the most underrated futures products on the board. Let's face it, traders are human and humans have an undeniable tendency to migrate toward the comfortable. Unfortunately, the dollar index is the oddball of the currency futures complex, simply because it doesn't trade on the cm e Group with the others, and it carries different contract specifications. Nonetheless, it offers traders some a...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Robert Joiner has been trading for a few years now, after discovering a little ebook that introduced him to another way to trading beyond the buy & hold method. In his first year of trading he lost a lot of money. After testing numerous trading strategies, he decided to developed his own. His discoveries led him to write several books and develop two video courses. Joiner started his website,, in late 2008 as a way to provide free training to people who are learning how to trade. Joiner developed strategies for trading a variety of time frames. Th...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Editor, In your recent interview with Marcus Heitkoetter ("Short Swings In Futures With Markus Heitkoetter," May 2011), I noticed that when he was discussing the Bollinger Bands adjustment for the moving average, he suggests lowering the number of bars in the moving average. Then, however, the article goes on to say he adjusts them from nine to 12. Is this a typo? It seems that he is increasing the number of bars rather than decreasing them. Thanks for your response. The interview was another good one....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The easy part of investing in stocks is getting into a trade. You study the chart, understand the company's business and fundamentals, find your buy point, and then dive in with big expectations. But what's next? How do you know when to take your gains off the table, or more important, when to tuck your tail and run when it goes against you?...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...As I write this, I am waiting for the White House and Congress to strike a deal to raise the US debt ceiling. The outcome could worsen the current economic situation not just in the US but globally as well. Think of it: Most of the world's advanced nations have racked up enormous debt. At least the US still has the highest ratings from credit rating agencies -- until now, anyway -- as it too risks a downgrade from its Aaa rating. That's a big deal. Could the world's economic powerhouse really crash? It's inconceivable to consider that such a thing might happen. But if it really did, we would see...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...More market participants want to edge away from the buy & hold approach and take more control of their finances. To meet the needs of these self-directed investors or traders who are not interested in actively trading, TD Ameritrade has launched a web-based platform called Trade Architect. The objective of this product is to create a bridge to transition between fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The nice thing is that it is available to all TD Ameritrade account holder....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...I know a guy who has been trading his own money for a few years now. He daytrades commodities/futures with claims of 4% a month with return on investment (Ro i) equaling 48% a year! With margin he can make twice that, he says. I'm confused because I've read and heard that some of the best traders make 20% per year daytrading, so is he most likely exaggerating? --Falcon This is a really good question, on several levels. I have been telling my traders over the last 30 years to focus on making consistent profits until they make their first $5 million or so, then they c...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TriggerPoint Trading is software that implements a trading strategy based on the Wyckoff method. You download it and you need to supply the datafeeds. Three datafeed interfaces are supported: eSignal, BarChart, and Realtimedata. The cost of the datafeeds and exchange fees is in addition to the license fee for Triggerpoint Trading software. TriggerPoint Trading utilizes two screens: a price chart with volume (Figure 1) and a list of symbols (Figure 2). The software follows Wyckoff theory and annotates the price screen with different symbols to indicate whether there is p...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...While at least 90% of trades should be taken in the direction of the trend, there are also opportunities to enter and profit from countertrend trades. Here's one setup you can take advantage of....
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the main focus is Andrew Coles' article in this issue, "Automated Techniques For Intraday Traders." Code for MetaStock for Coles' technique for intraday application of the Fibonacci and Lucas series indicators is already provided in Coles' article. Subscribers will also find the same code at the Subscriber's Area of our website, Presented here is an overview of possible implementations for other software. Traders' Tips are provided to help the reader implement a selected technique from an article in this issue. The entries ...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Consultants consult on just about every conceivable worry traders have. They have been called in to consult on everything from tax advice to weather reporting. Can all this help you? Maybe. The rules for checking out consultants are simple: check references, check references, and (did you guess?) check references. Nothing can be more vague than a consultant's initial proposal, but nothing is clearer than a client's opinion on the success of a consultant's engagement. Consultants without satisfied clients are likely to be doubly expensive: wasted money and wasted time. Wh...
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What determines a security's value? Price is the agreement to exchange despite the possible disagreement in value. Price is the conviction, emotion, and volition of investors. It is not a constant but is influenced by information, opinions, and emotions over time. Volume represents this degree of conviction and is the embodiment of information and opinions flowing through investor channels. It is the asymmetry between the volume being forced through supply (offers) and demand (bids) that facilitates price change. Quantifying the extent of asymmetry between price trends and the ...