STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. The Traders' Magazine

Article Archive For AUG2006

  • At The Close by Marge Sherald

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (98): At The Close by Marge Sherald What do you think of when you think "cocoon"? Is it small, fetal, round, cozy ? formative? When trader Kenneth Branch uses the term, more often than not he uses it in regard to trading, in reference to the growing forces within the markets. He looks for tradable financial instruments while they are still in the forming stage, covered by a "protective covering" of sorts until they are ready to burst forth in full flower. As he explains it, in the cocoon stage of market development, "there is a supply of any given security that ma...

  • Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (92): Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Personal Financial Documents (266 pages, $18.95 softcover, 2005, ISBN 1-59257-446-7), by Ken Little, published by Alpha Books. You know you should pay more attention, but every time a new bank statement arrives, you put it in a folder with all of the other number-filled documents you've gotten over the years. This book helps you figure out what all those numbers really mean. You'll learn what to toss and what to hang onto. You will be able to organize the papers you need to do your...

  • Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (43): Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile Got a question about options? Tom Gentile is the chief options strategist at Optionetics (, an education and publishing firm dedicated to teaching investors how to minimize their risk while maximizing profits using options. To submit a question, post it to our website at Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. BEST WAY TO PLAY GOLD I'm looking for ways to play gold with options, but have not found any. Are there any ...

Forex Focus: Going Beyond 70 And 30 In Forex

Futures For You by Dan O'Neil

  • Interview: Glen Ring And His View On Futures by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (48-54): Interview: Glen Ring And His View On Futures by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan One of the nation's most respected market analysts with 34 years of experience in the commodity industry, Glen Ring brings a broad-based perspective to his work. He has been a producer/hedger, broker, trader, technical analyst, researcher and seminar speaker, and from 1987 through 1997 he was editor of the successful Trends In Futures (previously titled Commodity Close-Up) newsletter before leaving to concentrate on his own newsletter, View On Futures. Currently, he is president of Gl...

  • Intraday Market Forecasting by Lee Leibfarth

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (34-37): Intraday Market Forecasting by Lee Leibfarth How do you find high-probability daytrading setups fast? Successful daytraders must have the ability to react as soon as favorable conditions in the market develop. Being able to identify high-probability conditions requires a high level of situational awareness that involves many different charts, indicators, and data sources. I will discuss a method of quickly and accurately sifting through this information in order to spot high probability daytrading setups as soon as they occur. Much like a weather foreca...

  • It's In The Sentiment by Ajay Jani

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (28-31): It's In The Sentiment by Ajay Jani Here's a quantitative sentiment index based on trading behavior of the Rydex Sector Funds. With all the debate surrounding the effectiveness of market timing, often the underlying goals of the strategy are forgotten. The principle of market timing is to avoid capital commitments during periods when returns are expected to be subpar and to invest during those times when returns are expected to be above average. Those who complain that they would forgo all of the market's return by missing the 10 best days of the year fai...

  • Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (10-13): Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. The editors of S&C invite readers to submit their opinions and information on subjects relating to technical analysis and this magazine. This column is our means of communication with our readers. Is there something you would like to know more (or less) about? Tell us about it. Without a source of new ideas and subjects coming from our readers, this magazine would not exist. BROKERAGE RATINGS AND AWARDS Editor, It is my understanding you publish an article each year rating online brokerage products and service...

  • Modeling The Market = Building Trading Strategies by John F. Ehlers

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (20-26): Modeling The Market = Building Trading Strategies by John F. Ehlers The correct model can form the foundation for comprehensive trading strategies. Modeling the market is important because you can build comprehensive trading strategies if your model is correct. One example of a successful model is the famous Black-Scholes model for options; a variety of options strategies have been spawned from it. Another historical model is the Hodrick-Prescott filter, which attempts to isolate the trend and cyclic components of macroeconomic data. It finds the trend b...

Opening Position by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

  • Q&A by Don Bright

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (27): Q&A by Don Bright SINCE YOU ASKED Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. To submit a question, post your question to our website at http:// Answers will be posted there, and selected questions will appear in a future issue of S&C. COMMENT TO JUNE COLUMN I was reading my June issue of S&C. I always enjoy reading your column very much. I wanted to respond to your reply to a question about whethe...

Traders' Resource: Brokerages by Technical Analysis, Inc.

  • Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (72-80): Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software, all to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this issue. This month code has been based on John Ehlers' article in this issue, "Modeling The Market = Building Trading Strategies." Code written in EasyLanguage for TradeStation is provided by the author in the article's sidebars. Additional code is presented here for TradeStation, MetaStock, eSignal, AIQ, Wealth-Lab, A...

  • Websites For Traders: PowerOptions WeBlog by David Penn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (88): Websites For Traders: PowerOptions WeBlog by David Penn POWEROPTIONS WEBLOG Consider this website review a heads up. PowerOptions WeBlog (http://blog. is geared toward options trading and education, but my sense is that PowerOptions WeBlog is a project that is just getting under way and any full assessment of what it has to offer will probably be best accomplished months from now. So think of this as an opportunity to say you were reading the PowerOptions blog before it was cool, before "everybody" was doing it. And who knows? By following so...

  • Websites For Traders: by David Penn

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (60-61): Websites For Traders: by David Penn WWW.FREEMONEYFINANCE.COM Who was it who said that common wisdom was not so common? I was reading some reviews of a book published some 90-years ago titled The Richest Man In Babylon. Written by George S. Clason and first published back in 1926(!), the book -- subtitled "The success secrets of the ancients" -- contains what has been described as "commonsensical" wisdom on thrift and savings dressed up in a pseudo-Biblical language (hence the richest man "in Babylon"). Here's a taste from a chapter...

  • What Time Frame Is Right For You? by Thomas Bulkowski

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stocks & Commodities V. 24:8 (44-47): What Time Frame Is Right For You? by Thomas Bulkowski Finding the right time frame for your trading may make life easier for you -- and your trading successes more sustainable. A trader I'll call Jennifer made big bucks at her sales job, and her lifestyle matched her income. She drove a fancy car and lived in a big house. Between sales calls and in her off-hours, she developed a foolproof trading system. So she quit her job and started trading bonds and currencies full time. I read a recent study that looked at income from traders. Just 4% of those surve...

Working Money: Counting On Consumers by David Penn

Working Money: There's The Exit by Austin Passamonte

Working Money: Trading In The Swing Of Things by Darrell Jobman

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