ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The exponential moving average is a popular indicator among technical analysts. But it has its shortcomings. Here's a look at how the indicator can be used so it results in minimum lag and provides crisper trading signals...
BY: John F. EhlersSUBJECT: Indicators
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Price movement in stocks comes in waves, and within waves are more cyclical waves. What's the best way to analyze them? Here's a look at using a scientific approach to measure cycles...
BY: Domenico D'ErricoSUBJECT: Cycles
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Creating a trading system is hard work and we want our system to work well. Oftentimes, we get carried away by trying to tweak it so it works the way we want it to. But that can lead to unrealistic results. Here's one way to set realistic expectations when optimizing trading systems...
BY: Perry J. KaufmanSUBJECT: Trading Systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Some trading signals are better than others. In this second part of a three-part series, we'll describe a filter that'll help identify optimal swing trading buy/sell points...
BY: Michael SlatterySUBJECT: Trading Strategies
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Financial survival and thriving in trading and investing could have something to do with knowing where to look and what to look for. This article explains why and how...
BY: Dirk VandyckeSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...There's a lot of trading lore behind the life and trading career of W.D. Gann. How much of it is true and how much has been exaggerated? Here's a deeper look...
BY: Mark Putrino, CMTSUBJECT: Classic Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Navigating the financial markets can be a science and an art. Ed Easterling, founder and president of Crestmont Research, is able to combine the science and art of market analysis and come up with some interesting perspectives on the markets. He shares his insights and publishes provocative research on the financial markets at his website, He is the author of Unexpected Returns: Understanding Secular Stock Market Cycles and Probable Outcomes: Secular Stock Market Insights, contributing author to Just One Thing: Twelve Of The World's Best Investors Reveal The One Stra...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...It's often said that most traders fail or never get to the point of having consistent profits. But the chances of beating these odds may be more attainable than you think...
BY: Stephen BurnichSUBJECT: At The Close
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Are you interested in learning more about using exchange traded funds (ETFs) in your trading? Leslie N. Masonson, an active ETF trader, is president of Cash Management Resources, a financial consulting firm that focuses on ETF strategies. He is the author of Buy-Don't Hold: Investing With ETFs Using Relative Strength To Increase Returns With Less Risk; and All About Market Timing, as well as Day Trading On The Edge. His website is, where he writes a weekly blog. To submit topics for future columns, reach him at
BY: Leslie N. MasonsonSUBJECT: Why Trade ETFs?
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Keeping your entry and exits based on simple concepts makes it easier to manage your trades. Here's a strategy you can apply...
BY: Ken CalhounSUBJECT: Trading On Momentum
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Rob Friesen, president & COO of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. This month: Structural Changes Can Impact Technical Patterns...
BY: Rob FriesenSUBJECT: Stock Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures markets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures markets. This month: The Transition From Open Outcry (Part 2 Of 2)...
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Tom Gentile started his trading career on the floor of the American Stock Exchange in 1994. He has appeared on many financial TV and radio shows, as well as hosting a weekly talk show himself, and has co-authored many books on the markets. He can be found at This month: The Scariest Two Months Of The Year...
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Options Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is John Ehlers's article in this issue, "The Reverse EMA Indicator". Here, we present the September 2017 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwa...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips code
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The following selection of book descriptions represents a sampling of recent book releases in the investing field. This month: Money Machine: The Surprisingly Simple Power Of Value Investing; The Wisdom Of Finance: Discovering Humanity In The World Of Risk And Return; The DIY Investor, second edition; and Creating Strategic Value Through Financial Technology...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Books
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Secular or cyclical? That is the question. If you ever find yourself in a position where you have to explain cyclical movements in the stock markets, and you have to talk about specific cycles that have occurred in the past, you better know precisely when they started and when they ended...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Editor's commentary
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Trade News & Products section presents announcements of new or updated products related to the trading industry. This month: Workshop On Cycles And DSP; Auto-Trading Platform; Name Change For The MTA; and CMT Exams...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: News
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES every month...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Futures