ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Forex pairs are usually considered to move in defined trends. Here's a trend-trading technique that can be applied to trading currency pairs or crosses....
BY: Mohammed Isah
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Is selling an at-the-money (At m) or outof-the-money (Ot m) option really better than selling a contract that has more premium attached to its market price due to its intrinsic worth? That's a tricky one. As for which type of sale constitutes the "better" one, we do know selling extrinsic or time premium associated with At m or Ot m has the advantage of time decay. All options do lose 100% of their extrinsic value by expiration. However, whether a contract lands in or out of the money and by what amount can prove to be the more important factor in calculating actual ...
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Explore Your Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Spot a disaster stock before disaster strikes....
BY: Teresa Fernandez
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Finding The Best Methods There is an unlimited number of theories in technical trading, so what do you believe offers the best opportunities to the average trader with limited capital? When it comes to technical analysis, there are three primary schools of thought with significantly different views on the markets: trend trading, breakout trading, and countertrend trading....
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures For You
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Since the birth of the American stock market, one pattern has always recurred: Major booms follow sharp crashes. The best-known example began on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, the day when the market started to plummet. During the following three years, across-the-board losses came to almost 90%. In time, however, the numbers began to rise again, and in the end they gained healthy precrash levels....
BY: Josh DiPietro
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Editor, The color-based system presented by Edgar Kraut in his July 2011 article ("A Color-Based System For Short-Term Trading") looked promising and simple. However, using the Excel spreadsheet example given in your Traders' Tips section in that same issue, I recoded it into Mechanica Professional, but I did not get anything close to the performance shown in the article. I'm fairly sure I coded it correctly because I get the same color bars as those shown in Figure 6 in the article and the same number (98) of bars (45 green bars and 53 blue bars) in the first tr...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters to S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...As I write this, I am waiting for the White House and Congress to strike a deal to raise the US debt ceiling. The outcome could worsen the current economic situation not just in the US but globally as well. Think of it: Most of the world's advanced nations have racked up enormous debt. At least the US still has the highest ratings from credit rating agencies -- until now, anyway -- as it too risks a downgrade from its Aaa rating. That's a big deal. Could the world's economic powerhouse really crash? It's inconceivable to consider that such a thing might happen. But if it really did, we would see...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Fxcm inc. Financial Square 32 Old Slip, 10 th Floor New York, NY 10005 phone: 888 50 Fo r e x (36739); 212 897-7660 internet: email: product: Automated trading platform for forex traders with nonhedging standard or micro accounts requirements: Internet connection; Fx c m brokerage account to place trades. price: Free...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Product Review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...NeuroShell Trader (NT) is highly sophisticated software that is much more than just a way to utilize neural nets. NeuroShell Trader also deserves to be recognized for having well-designed interfaces that let the trader explore ideas with ease and speed....
BY: Dennis D. PetersonSUBJECT: Product Review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Hi Don, I have seen many traders who post the Ny s e close imbalances in US dollars just after they have been released. Do you have any idea where they are getting this information? There must be a website out there posting them in real time. Thanks. --TradingNerd Actually, the market-on-close imbalances are published daily at 3:45 NySe time in number of shares, not US dollars. You can, of course, get a program to convert the shares to USd if you like. We get our numbers from our trading platform, RediPlus (Goldman Sachs), but you can also access them from news services ...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Q&A
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...MarketSmith is the next generation of the Daily Graphs investment research service, which was begun in 1972 by Investor's Business Daily founder William J. O'Neil. MarketSmith is a stock and mutual fund research tool that utilizes the wealth of market data available in the O'Neil Database, which is commonly used by institutional investors....
BY: Sean M. MooreSUBJECT: Quick Scan
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Time-based techniques are effective and can be applied to intraday trading, but unless they are automated, they require a great deal of tending and tracking on the part of the trader. The Fibonacci and Lucas techniques, which we explored in the previous issue, can be mechanized (as seen in that article), but they will not continue to plot without further input. This is also true of William Erman's Ermanometry, which we will look at later in this article. Meanwhile, Thomas DeMark's TD Sequential can be automated without requiring further input, as we will see here....
BY: Andrew Coles, PH.D.SUBJECT: Trading Systems
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Wade Hansen has been involved in investor education his entire career. Most recently, he cofounded Learning Markets and Pf x Global (Profiting With Forex) to help individual investors learn to take control of their investment portfolios. He has also created investment courses in stock, options, futures, and forex trading for Yahoo! Finance, Saxo Bank, and thinkorswim Group. Hansen, who is actively involved in managing his own stock, option, and forex portfolio, is the coauthor of three books, the most recent of which are All About Forex Trading and All About Investing In Gold. He...
BY: J. Gopalakrishnan and B. FaberSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Andrew Coles' article in this issue, "TD Sequential And Ermanometry For Intraday Traders." MetaStock code for the TD Setup and Ermanometry techniques is already provided in Coles' article. Subscribers will also find the same code at the Subscriber Area of our website, Presented here is an overview of possible implementations for other software. Traders' Tips are provided to help the reader implement a selected technique from an article in this issue. The entries are contributed by various software developers or programm...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Foreign exchange traders have more choices than ever in their ongoing search for speed, pricing efficiency, and good accounting when it comes to forex brokerages. First, you must find a forex brokerage that handles your particular currency cross or pair. You should also look at margin requirements/leverage, and whether the broker offers a miniaccount. With a little research, you will be able to find a forex brokerage targeted on your interest. After that, your first question might be, "How fast can I execute an order?" For this, it's best to test out a demo account offered by...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The golden ratio to chart analysis is useful, and you should try to incorporate it within your strategy wherever possible. In this article I want to discuss one simple way of doing this. I will not go into much detail here about the origins of the ratio, except to say it has been used throughout written history and perhaps before, and that it has been found within architectural designs and construction methods of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and the Greek Parthenon and can be seen in the growth and form of many plants. So it's been around a while....
BY: Gareth BurgessSUBJECT: Trading Forex
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...A five-minute chart and a one-hour chart can tell you very different things about the same tradable. Which one is right for you?...
BY: John DevcicSUBJECT: At The Close