ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Here is an alternative to the classic zigzag indicator, which may prove useful to visual technical analysts and chart pattern researchers...
BY: Giorgos E. Siligardos, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Indicators
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...BC Low has been a teacher and practitioner of technical analysis since the 1980s. He is one of Singapore's earliest practitioners to attain the Chartered Market Technician credential. At Singapore Polytechnic, he created and taught two modules of "Technical Analysis and Trading," the only formal course on technical analysis in Singapore. He was a technical analyst for Merrill Lynch Bank, where he provided currency views to dealers, private bankers, and institutional clients. Currently, he continues to trade his own equity. We asked him about how longer-term investors can apply technical analys...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...In recent years, the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) has increased in importance and use as an indicator of market direction. This article demonstrates how the direction of tomorrow's change in the VIX might be determined by restructuring readily available market data...
BY: Stephen ButtsSUBJECT: Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What information is contained in market data? Can you develop an indicator or trading system that can extract this information to provide an edge in trading? Here's a look...
BY: John F. EhlersSUBJECT: Cycles
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...It is generally believed that markets tend to mean-revert. But this is true for some markets more than others. Here's an in-depth look at how the S&P 500 responds to mean reversion...
BY: Stephen BeatsonSUBJECT: Market Outlook
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Do you spend as much time deciding to sell as deciding to buy? Here are 10 tips to make deciding when to sell easier...
BY: Thomas BulkowskiSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...What do these terms mean as applied to the participant in the financial markets? Let's have a look to try to come up with some clear definitions....
BY: Stella Osoba, CMTSUBJECT: At The Close
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Confused about some aspect of trading? Professional trader Don Bright of Bright Trading (, an equity trading corporation, answers a few of your questions. This month: Market Liquidity And The Tick Size Pilot Program...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Stock Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Want to find out how the futures APRkets really work? DeCarley Trading senior analyst and broker Carley Garner answers your questions about today's futures APRkets. This month: What impact will the CME's pit closure have on the average trader?...
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Got a question about options? Tom Gentile started his trading career on the floor of the American Stock Exchange in 1994. He has appeared on many financial TV and radio shows, as well as hosting a weekly talk show himself, and has co-authored many books on the markets. He can be found at This month: Which way will oil and energy prices go as we head into the spring and summer months, and how can you trade these markets?...
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Options Trading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...For this month's Traders' Tips, the focus is Giorgos Siligardos' article in this issue, "Filtering Price Movement". Here, we present the May 2015 Traders' Tips code with possible implementations in various softwar...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Chart analysis add-on for MetaStock...
BY: S&C StaffSUBJECT: Product Review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading platform...
BY: S&C StaffSUBJECT: Product Review
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Will they, or won't they, and if so, when? All eyes were on the policy statement released by the Fed on March 18. The takeaway from it was that the word patient was not used, implying that there is a chance that we will see a rate hike this year....
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The editors of S&C invite readers to submit their opinions and information on subjects relating to technical analysis and this magazine. This column is our means of communication with our readers. This month: Candlesticks, Condensed and More Candlesticks...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters to the Editor
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The following selection of book descriptions represents a sampling of recent book releases in the investing field. This month: 21st Century Point And Figure, Beat The Crowd: How You Can Out-Invest The Herd By Thinking Differently, Trading As A Business: The Methods And Rules I've Used To Beat The Markets For 40 Years, A Trader's Guide To Financial Astrology: Forecasting Market Cycles Using Planetary And Lunar Movements, and Fundamentals Of Actuarial Mathematics, 3rd ed....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Books
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Trade News & Products section each month presents announcements of new or updated products related to the trading industry. This month: new payment options, financial app for Apple Watch, CBOE & LSEG licensing agreement, TT & NFX connectivity and volume spread analysis software...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: News
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trading liquidity is often overlooked as a key technical measurement in the analysis and selection of commodity futures. The following explains how to read the futures liquidity chart published by Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities every month....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Futures