ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Beliefs And Trading by Ruth Roosevelt You are what you believe--and that includes your trading beliefs. Your unconscious mind is the final arbiter of whether you will succeed as a trader. Ruth Roosevelt, director of the Wall Street Hypnosis Center, explains how to understand your unspoken beliefs and use them to achieve trading success. The beliefs that you hold, whether conscious or unconscious, have the power to affect your trading. Some are ingrained in your character, and you react to everyday life with them at every turn. On the other hand, there are other beliefs that you know you hold:...
BY: Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Combining Negatively Correlated Forecasts by Denis Ridley, Ph.D. Will combining two negatively correlated forecasts of price data produce a more accurate forecast? STOCKS & COMMODITIES contributor Denis Ridley says yes. It's called ""antithetic forecasting"", as he explains here. Traders and investors may find that forecasting models are useful for estimating future values of a financial time series. However, serial correlation creates a biased forecast, and that bias in turn is correlated with the forecast origin. Antithetic--or contradictory error--forecasting creates a new but reverse corre...
BY: Denis Ridley, Ph.D.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Neural Networks With Learning Disabilities by Connie Brown Neural networks are systems that use architecture similar to the brain as a means to analyze data and find hidden relationships. A neural network is well suited for the task of pattern recognition and predicting trends. To this end, the neural network needs the information in a particular format; otherwise, learning will not occur. Here, Connie Brown of Elliott Wave International describes learning problems that neural networks may have and discusses common causes and solutions to help put your neural network back on track. During th...
BY: Connie Brown
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Paul Rabbitt: The Statistical Scholar Of OpCo by Thom Hartle Oppenheimer & Co. senior vice president and chief quantitative portfolio strategist Paul Rabbitt has a number of credits after his name, among which are contributing forecaster for Standard & Poor's Consensus Forecasts and regular contributing analyst for CNBC. But Rabbitt is unusual in that he chose to put a successful and profitable career on hold to return to graduate school, writing his thesis on technical analysis and doing along the way detailed statistical research on more than a hundred indicators. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Edito...
BY: Thom HartleSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...CUSTOM METASTOCK FORMULAS Three MetaStock formulas for volume indicator, line variation, and momentum....
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...EXCEL SPREADSHEET --Thom Hartle, Editor The Excel 3.0 spreadsheet presented here in sidebar Figure 1 shows the indicators described in ""Volume variations."" The daily high, low and close of the Standard & Poor's 500 index along with the daily total NYSE volume is used. The first indicator is a simple 10-day moving average of the daily volume and is calculated in column F. The formula for cell F11 is: .......
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...THE RSI AND THE RMI The formula for the relative strength index (RSI) is: RSI = 100((RS/(1+RS)) where: RS = AU/AD during the last X days AU = Yesterday's AU - (AU/X) + today's up close or zero AD = Yesterday's AD - (AD/X) + the absolute value of today's down close or zero...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Stochastic RSI And Dynamic Momentum Index by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll Here, a relative strength index (RSI) tutorial clarifies the basics of the time-honored indicator. The tutorial also introduces new variants that STOCKS & COMMODITIES contributor Tushar Chande and Kroll, Chande & Co.'s Stanley Kroll call net momentum oscillator and the stochastic RSI, which are better at flagging overbought and oversold conditions than RSI itself. Also introduced and examined is a variable-length RSI called the dynamic momentum index (DMI), which we indexed to market volatility. The new variants, Cha...
BY: Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...THE ADX The calculation of the average directional movement (ADX) indicator is built on the intuitive notion that a trend is a series of price ranges extending in a consistent direction. In sidebar Figure 1, example A, the second day's trading range is higher than the first day's trading range, indicating positive directional movement. In example B, the second day's trading range is below the first day's trading range, an indication of negative directional movement. ......
BY: John Sweeney
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...TRADERS' TIPS r PERCENT NEW POSITIONS Percent new positions (PNP), which was developed by Don Iglehart of Stanford University, is used with data on a futures contract. It will tell you the percentage of today's volume that represents new positions being put on, as opposed to existing positions being closed out. PNP is expressed as: ......
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Volume Variations by Barbara Star, Ph.D. This month, Barbara Star uses a 1986 STOCKS & COMMODITIES article by Howard Waxenberg titled ""Technical analysis of volume"" as a basis for a tutorial on volume-based indicators. volume offers a view of the internal structure of the market that might otherwise be hidden. Volume is the total number of shares traded on a stock or stock index on any given day. The daily volume number includes both the number of shares bought and the number of shares sold on that day. In his article ""Technical analysis of volume,"" Howard Waxenberg found that keeping a ...
BY: Barbara Star, Ph.D.