ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...At The Close: Understanding The Trading Enviornment by Joseph J. Mertes Spending time to assess the market environment you are trading is a good habit to develop. I have a lot of trading experience from trading -- some good, some bad, but great lessons all. One of the lessons I've learned has been about the use of the chart. Understanding the chart is important. Understanding what drives the chart is invaluable. I use the Market Development and Market Structure methodology. What drives the method is Auction Market Theory, where a willing buyer and a willing seller agree on price. When you ha...
BY: Joseph J. MertesSUBJECT: At The Close
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Books For Traders by Technical Analysis, Inc. ? Day Trading & Swing Trading The Currency Market: 2nd Edition ? The Forex Options Course ? Frontiers In Quantitative Finance: Volatility And Credit Risk Modeling ? Invest With Success: Big Profits For Small Investors ? Short Term Trading Strategies That Work ? Thackray's 2009 Investor's Guide...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Books For Traders
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Dow Theory Direction by Tim W. Wood, CPA Why do opinions on Dow theory so often vary, and why do Dow theory "signals" so often fail? Typically, there is one common denominator that becomes immediately apparent in most articles about Dow theory: too many of the authors of those articles have not studied the original writings of Charles H. Dow, William Peter Hamilton, or Robert Rhea. These original writings and particularly those of Robert Rhea are essential if we are to understand what has come to be known as Dow theory. The only other person I know who has studied the original writings by Do...
BY: Tim W. Wood, CPASUBJECT: Cycles
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile TO CLOSE OR NOT TO CLOSE I have a put credit spread on a stock where the sold leg is out-of-the-money and the bought leg is deep in-the-money. I have already bought back the sold leg and the bought leg is left to be exercised. Should I let the buy leg be exercised and reap the profit or should I close it out before expiration? If you have a put credit spread, the trade was entered by selling a put and also buying a put with a lower strike price. Basically, selling the put credit spread is the same as selling a put, but another put with a lower strike is p...
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Explore Your Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Full Service by Moses Sanchez It's nice to have a hand to hold when you are confused about the market. The way many traders do when they are starting out, I went to a "free" workshop on options and trading when I first got interested in the markets. Once there, they offered to teach me to trade for a fee I could not afford. Undaunted, I figured I could learn the lessons they offered just by visiting my local library. So I did: I started reading what was available there to feed my own interest about the wonderful world of stocks, options, and commodities. After much study, I decided I was rea...
BY: Moses SanchezSUBJECT: Trading Online
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Futures For You by Carley Garner ON SPREADS What is a futures spread? The terminology involved in futures spread trading often seems like a foreign language. This can cause those who aren't familiar with the practice to misinterpret the vocabulary. Despite the complexity of the topic on the surface, once you understand a few key concepts, you will gain an immediate understanding. A futures spread is a trade in which opposite positions are taken in similar futures contracts. Simply put, it is the purchase of one commodity and the sale of another related commodity with the intention of profi...
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures For You
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...On The Precipice Of The Nearest Dollar Increment by A. Trongone, Phd, CFP, CTA In a bear market, any piece of information that will give traders a slight edge in performance is always welcome. Here's how a stock performs when it is trading in the vicinity of the nearest dollar increment. Success often results from analyzing the smallest pieces of information. On a daily basis, some price patterns may appear unimportant; over a series of trading days, however, they can contribute significantly to your profitability. With the continuing downtrend in worldwide markets, existing trading systems ...
BY: Anthony Trongone, Ph.D., CFP, CTASUBJECT: Trading Strategies
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright BEFORE THE OPEN Don, I was wondering if you could answer this. I have heard that there is a data source that tells you the estimated opening of NYSE stocks before the open. Have you heard this? Thanks. -- Sky123987 I've not heard of any particular site, but I can tell you what we use. We see premarket imbalances (excess shares) of opening-only orders, and NYSE specialists sometimes publish an estimated opening price range as well. We also look at the electronic communications network's (ECN) trading levels, premarket. This helps considerably with our opening-only order stra...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Q&A
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Second Chance Options by Barbara Star Optionable stocks allow traders to use short-term strategies that combine technical analysis with the right option strike price and realistic targets to provide an edge. What could be better than picking up a quality stock for pennies on the dollar? And not only during times of economic distress, but also during times of economic growth. Optionable stocks make it possible to pick up a quality stock for pennies on the dollar by allowing traders to "lease" good companies as a substitute for actually owning the stock outright and for far less money than it ...
BY: Barbara Star, Ph.D.SUBJECT: Options
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Surviving The Test of Time With J. Welles Wilder by Brian Twomey J. Welles Wilder is an author, market technician, and inventor of indicators and trading systems that have become classics over time. Without Wilder's contributions to technical analysis, it would be hard to imagine what we would have in the field, considering so many of the basics are derived from his work -- relative strength index, average directional movement index, directional movement index, average true range, parabolic stop & reverse ? and there's more that will influence traders for many years to come. Wilder also founde...
BY: Brian TwomeySUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...The Trading Plan by Cory Mitchell When creating a trading plan, you have to take into account all the possible contingencies. Here are the steps you should go through when designing your game plan. Atrading plan is your carefully thought-out and tested way of approaching and beating the market over the long term. It is the course of action for entering, exiting, and managing your trades so that all contingencies are considered before a trade ever takes place. With such a plan, emotions are left out of the trading equation, and only tangible criteria are used to make trades. Emotions can caus...
BY: Cory Mitchell, CMTSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trade System Evaluation by Donald W. Pendergast Jr. Here we evaluate a simple trading system that will enable you to simulate the results of realistic trading with a portfolio of stocks. Evaluating your trading system performance before you put real money on the line is essential to your profitability. In this article, we'll evaluate a simple momentum-based system using TradeSim Enterprise, a Monte Carlo simulation/ backtesting program that enables a trader to simulate the results of realistic trading with a portfolio of stocks. Then we'll dig a little deeper, learning how to best interpret ...
BY: Donald W. Pendergast, Jr.SUBJECT: Trading Systems
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Traders' Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc. Most of this month's Traders' Tips are based on Donald Pendergast's article in this issue, "Trade System Evaluation." Other tips are on a topic of the contributors' choosing. Code for MetaStock for implementing the reversed MACD crossover system from the Pendergast's article is included at the end of this document. Additional code is presented here as contributed by software developers. Readers will find our Traders' Tips section in its entirety at the StockS & commoditieS website at in the Traders' Tips area, from where the code can...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan WWW.FOREXFACTORY.COM Gone are the days when the foreign exchange market, the world's largest over-the-counter market, is restricted to banks, hedge funds, and other large financial institutions. With trading volume growing even in these volatile times, the pressure is strong for those services that want to meet the needs of the retail forex trader., a popular financial website focused on providing services to forex traders, has added new features to its website in response to the increasing number of retail f...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Websites For Traders
BY: Thomas MaskellSUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
BY: Matt BlackmanSUBJECT: Working Money