ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...At The Close by L.A. Little The name of Charles Ponzi, the Boston financier and swindler, has come to symbolize the idea of fraudulent investment operations where investors are paid handsome returns by subsequent investors rather than from profits. This activity is known elsewhere as illegal pyramiding, but whatever the name, a Ponzi scheme is where the victim of the scheme is forever separated from his or her money by underhanded means. The victim's greed gets the best of them and the swindler takes advantage. AVOID BEING A VICTIM. WALK AWAY. With so many large-scale Ponzi schemes coming t...
BY: L.A. LittleSUBJECT: At The Close
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Average True Range Trailing Stops by Sylvain Vervoort In this second of a three-part series we will compare trailing-stop methods using an average true range (Atr) trailing stop. by Sylvain Vervoort The average true range (Atr) was developed by J. Welles Wilder and introduced in his book New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems. The Atr indicator measures a security's volatility. Wilder defined the true range concept as the greatest value of the: ? Current high less the current low ? Absolute value of the current high less the previous close ? Absolute value of the current low less the...
BY: Sylvain VervoortSUBJECT: Trading Strategies
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...? Commodity Options: Trading And Hedging Volatility In The World's Most Lucrative Market ? The Complete Idiot's Guide To Value Investing ? Pioneering Portfolio Management: An Unconventional Approach To Institutional Investment ? Seasonal Stock Market Trends: The Definitive Guide To Calendar-Based Stock Market Trading ? The Swing Trader's Bible: Strategies To Profit From Market Volatility ? Systems Trading For Spread Betting: An End-To-End Guide For Developing Spread Betting Systems...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Books For Traders
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Developing My Trading Strategy by Leonardo Jafet Are the risks and returns involved in a more active investment style compatible with your resources and financial goals? Here's a trading approach that can help answer your questions. ntry in my mental trading journal, circa October 2008: The demise of buy & hope investing (and ensuing losses in my portfolio) is the nudge I need to finally consider developing a trading strategy in which I would have enough confidence to take some smarter risks. The first question I should ask myself is, "Are the risks and returns involved in a more active inv...
BY: Leonardo JafetSUBJECT: Trading Techniques
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile VOLATILITY RISK A stock I like has been trending higher, and I was considering a credit spread expiring in May. However, the earnings report is due May 7 and I can't determine whether this volatility rush will negatively affect my position... any advice for me? You are correct, knowing the earnings reporting date when trading individual stocks can be very important. In addition, there is often a volatility rush ahead of earnings. In other words, the implied volatility (IV) of the options will begin to move higher prior to the earnings release. Why? The ...
BY: Tom GentileSUBJECT: Explore Your Options
BY: Brian TwomeySUBJECT: Forex Focus
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Futures For You by Carley Garner CALCULATING With Treasury futures at or near an all-time high, I would like to begin trading options on bond and note futures but I am having difficulty calculating profit, loss, and risk. Figuring in Treasury options often causes confusion for two primary reasons. First, both options and futures in Treasuries are traded in fractions. Second, unlike other commodities and financial futures, bond and note options differ in the manner in which they are quoted from their futures contract counterparts. Before you can understand how to calculate Treasury options,...
BY: Carley GarnerSUBJECT: Futures For You
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Letters To S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc. TRADING ON A MAC Editor, Do you ever provide Traders' Tips for Mac applications? Dave Rich Durango, CO Our Traders' Tips section is made up by contributions from outside software developers (we don't write them ourselves). Currently, no Mac-based developers are contributing, but we could try extending an invitation to some of the companies mentioned in the April 2009 S&C article, "Trading On A Mac" by Wallace Wang. We previously have published Traders' Tips contributions from Linn Software for the Mac-based Investor/RT program. Thanks for writing...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Letters To S&C
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Low-Risk Trades Using Cup-With-Handle by Dale Glaspie Here's how a popular pattern can present trading opportunities in a bear market. The year 2008 marked the beginning of one of the worst economic crises of our country's history. But just like all other economic crises, it too will come to an end, and when it does, those who have prepared will profit in a big way. How? Most stock traders have either traded or at least heard of the cup-with-handle formation. It has long been recognized as one of the most useful technical patterns, and I have been fascinated by the versatility it possesses f...
BY: Dale GlaspieSUBJECT: Charting
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Opening Position
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Q&A by Don Bright BREAKOUT/BREAKDOWN I've been analyzing breakouts from consolidation and wanted to get your feedback about the viability of a strategy I was considering. I posted this on an Internet thread a while back and got no response, leading me to believe perhaps no one actually trades this way. Yesterday, Pru started hitting the high ticker as it broke through the Hod and rallied to $22, where it then ranged between $21.75 and $21.99 for almost two hours before breaking through $22 and rapidly hitting $22.59 on the breakout. When a stock consolidates midday and trades within a tig...
BY: Don BrightSUBJECT: Don Bright
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Short-Term Trend Trading by Russell Rhoads, CFA This basic system can be traded profitably on a short-term basis. Some of the most basic systems can be the most effective means of making money in the futures markets. In this article I will demonstrate one of the simple systems that can be traded successfully on a daily basis. There are no complex calculations to determine entry and exit points nor indicator crossovers to determine entry and exit points. If you can add two numbers and then divide them by 2, you can do the most difficult calculation involved in this system. All this system...
BY: Russell Rhoads, CFASUBJECT: Daytrading
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Trader, Know Thyself by Ray Johns Want to become a successful trader? Then it's important to understand how your mind works. by Ray Johns IN trading, when something goes wrong and you lose money, nine times out of 10 it's nobody's fault but your own. Most of the time the breakdown occurs in how the trade is managed, since many trades do go into and out of the money during the course of their respective durations. Unless you just hit a bad trade that drops like a rock, there is at least (typically) some opportunity to take a profit along the way. In these cases, trade management is one of t...
BY: Ray JohnsSUBJECT: Daytrading
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Resource
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...All of this month's Traders' Tips are based on Sylvain Vervoort's article in this issue, "Average True Range Trailing Stops." Code for MetaStock to implement Vervoort's average true range (ATR) stop method is already provided in Vervoort's article elsewhere in this issue. Additional code is presented here as contributed by various software developers. Readers will find our Traders' Tips section in its entirety at the Stocks & Commodities website at in the Traders' Tips area, from where the code can be copied and pasted into the appropriate program. In addition, the code fo...
BY: Technical Analysis, Inc.SUBJECT: Traders' Tips
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Two Traders, Two Methods by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan The idea of daytrading has captured the attention of many market enthusiasts, but it's not an easy path to riches. It takes years to master, a tremendous amount of patience, and consistency in your results. But most important, each trader has a unique methodology that works for him or her. We interviewed Kevin Haygreen and Gavin Mok, both of whom came to daytrading and blogging about it from very different backgrounds, but they have in common a keen interest in the quick pace that the trading style affords. Britain-based Kevin Haygreen (not ...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Interview
ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Websites For Traders: by Jayanthi Gopalkrishnan Unusual activity in the option markets can reveal a ton of information about the markets. is one site that provides this type of information, along with other option-related data. There is a ton of information you can find on this site that will help you do some in-depth analysis of the option market and ultimately help you decide if you should open or close any positions. FEATURES When identifying unusual option activity, it is necessary to compare the put/call volume with the average daily volume. You may al...
BY: Jayanthi GopalakrishnanSUBJECT: Websites
BY: John DevcicSUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook
BY: John DevcicSUBJECT: Novice Traders' Notebook